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About Calinthor

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Argent Dawn
  1. Add me to skype and I'll try and help as much as I can. some things are hard to explain until you do it... Everything I've done is extremely simple.
  2. Skalisty Island Event is just about complete. Here's a quick walk through... Enjoy (Sorry about the Video quality on youtube it looked great before uploading). Mission Briefing: A rogue group of British Special Forces have taken over the island and have been conducting experiments on the Undead trying to quell their aggressive behavior. Instead the Undead have become more aggressive and ravenous to everyone except the soldiers. Several attempts have been made to infiltrate the compound by air, but all helicopters have been shot down. You will approach from the NW side by PBXs. The compound is heavily guarded and you will face stiff opposition *This is another event being run on the StormSeekers DayZ Server. Stop by and check out the server. **This video is for personal use and all content belong to the respective parties (Bohemia Interactive & All that Remain).
  3. Calinthor

    Dayz Night Lighting

    I have the code working for building animated lights (non enterable) and the code working for enterable buildings but need to tweak the colors and intensity. I need to test dayz streetlights and find out what I can make work the the client files (distributed dayz files) Unfortunately, my Server has a hardware failure (CPU Coolant pump died), so my test server is going to be stuck running the game for awhile. Here's the code I executed in the above video. Feel free to use it anyway you want. I'd like to hear back on success/failures. You can make a logic object on the mission map and put any code in the init and play around with it. {_x switchLight "OFF";} forEach ((getPos vehicle player) nearObjects ["StreetLamp",2000]); {_x switchLight "AUTO";} forEach ((getPos vehicle player) nearObjects ["StreetLamp",2000]); lights_on_bld.sqf: // Turns on Window lights of buildings that can't be entereed within 2000 meters _objHouse = nearestObjects [player, ["House"], 2000]; { for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { _x animate [format ["Lights_%1",_i],1]; }; } forEach _objHouse; // Creates a light source in an enterable building (General store) within 2000 meters _objEntHouse = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_A_GeneralStore_01"], 2000]; { _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _lp setLightColor [0.2, 0.1, 0.3]; // Set its colour _lp setLightBrightness 0.1; // Set its brightness _lp lightAttachObject [_x, [1,1,1]]; // Position it within house } forEach _objEntHouse; //Other enterable building codes can be found at http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html (Use list of Structure names)
  4. Rough layout of Skalisty Island Event (coming soon). Also showing what other models/AI are available in DayZ without modifying any files. For any developers, MCC is a great tool..for hackers, MCC is a great way to get global banned. Looking forward to killing many players with this event.
  5. Another fan/player made video.. this is a successful run on the Compound we put on the map. It went smooth. The guy doing the video has done it quite a few times so he's a veteran at it. Oh and the area we were hold up in is referred to as "The Alamo". This is the last week this event will be up. Next week Skalisty Island Assault... Hopefully less of a cakewalk for these guys. Note, video is long, also AI has been changed to patrol more. Enjoy the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUyP3SSYncc&feature=plcp
  6. I consider everything done by me and others a collaborative effort for the good of the DayZ & Arma Community. So I'm willing to share anything, provided people agree to note the work and give those developers credit (even if it's just in the code where no one really sees it) for the work they put in.
  7. An Easy change to the Stormseekers Operations Server. The North East Airfield is getting additional buildings and made it more target rich, but also more dangerous. Also, get ready for the Skalisty Island Event. Still need more testing, but hopefully this coming weekend. Another post coming later today. Heli Crashes don't spawn loot (I might change that), they are there for effect and zombie spawning.
  8. The easiest way is through the map editor, but you don't have to merge it if you've unpacked the mission file from the pbo. just make a copy of in the arma mpmission folder. Start Arma and select new <<New - Editor>> and to bring up the map map editor. Load the mission, you'll have to load it from the mp folder you made and copied it to. Add the items you want onto the map and save the file also "Export as multiplayer mission". Copy the new mission.sqm to your mission folder you unpacked.. re-pack and you're pretty much done. You could add them manually in script, if you know the exact location and heading you want them. http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html has a list of codes for the buildings and loot in DayZ. Folder multiplayer missions are saved to: "C:\Users\yourlogon\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\yourprofilename\MPMissions\" for windows 7 And like SxS said, most things are in "EMPTY" but not all things. and if you make the map with @dayz loaded it should filter out things not allowed.
  9. Fan/player made video. It's an old video, but shows how the Zombies can mob you and trap you. Also shows how effective a hatchet can be.
  10. Calinthor

    Dayz Night Lighting

    Nope. I try to keep it so that the ANYONE with the official DayZ files/folder can play on my server (StormSeekers <shameless plug>). More success. I have animated lights on buildings that can't be entered, and will have custom colored lighting inside buildings you can enter. I'm thinking a yellow/red (like candlelight) color light for houses/churches, white/bluish (Neon lights) for stores and office buildings, and a white/orange light for the firestation. I still haven't got the streetlights to work with the official dayz files, but they are easy to turn on/off with Chernarus map non-dayz. for non-dayz maps this turns on all street lights within 2000m radius (you can use 'ON' 'OFF' or 'AUTO'): {_x switchLight "AUTO";} forEach ((getPos vehicle player) nearObjects ["StreetLamp",2000]); Edited: Actually, after double checking, I had type the command wrong in the script file... this might work on DayZ After some more testing, I'll post code for the buildings (non enterable and enterable), and if I can get the streetlights to work, I'll post that too. I'll keep working on it though. These are the models used. class CfgNonAIVehicles { access = ReadAndWrite; class StreetLamp { scope = private; model = ""; destrType = "DestructTree"; simulation = "thing"; }; class Land_lampa_sidl : StreetLamp { scope = protected; model = "\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_sidl"; }; class Land_lampa_sidl_2 : StreetLamp { scope = protected; model = "\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_sidl_2"; }; class Land_lampa_sidl_3 : StreetLamp { scope = protected; model = "\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_sidl_3"; }; class Land_lampa_ind : StreetLamp { scope = protected; model = "\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_ind"; }; class Land_lampa_ind_zebr : StreetLamp { scope = protected; model = "\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_ind_zebr"; }; };
  11. Calinthor

    Private hive with custom loot table

    Since information on weapon, loot & zombie spawns are all in the client files "@Dayz" folder, you would have to distribute the files if you want to change any of the spawn locations & items. If you want to put weapons that are allowed, but not implemented in dayz, you can have a script run that randomly places things on the map in/near buildings, or you can add different models to the map (either through editor or script) and make your own loot spawning script for those buildings and have it run on the server. If you don't mind breaking the official client files and distributing them, then you can pretty much do anything you want...even have flying pigs that shoot lasers and drop poop bombs.
  12. Calinthor

    Dayz Night Lighting

    Moderate success. I have building lights animating, just not the buildings you can enter. It makes it look like the city is alive. I even played with delaying the lights coming on, so it looks like people are inside turning lights on. Would be easy to add a random timer to have them turn on & off at random intervals.
  13. Calinthor

    Blood Regeneration

    I like that, but add "with a chance of being infected by a dirty needle"...a slight chance, like 10-20%. So there's a risk in doing it. Also, I didn't like the whole "Eat a steak and INSTANTLY gain 800 blood, then Eat Another one, etc until full". If you want realism.. Eating a steak heals 800 blood over time (accelerated from reality), say 10-15min, and no force feeding blood to full. Any additional steaks won't add to blood until the effects of the other one wears off or just reset the timer each time they eat a steak, that's simpler to code.
  14. Calinthor

    A little help with private hive.

    Game type is in your 'description.ext' in you mission folder (you may need to unpack it if it's a .pbo) class Header { gameType = DAYZ; //DM, Team, Coop, DAYZ... minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports maxPlayers = 100; //Max # of players the mission supports }; Depending on what DayZ flavor you're running, you'll may have different vehicle spawn code. Is it a Rocket server, Anti-Rocket, PwnZor, Sanctuary, Saintly, Bliss or something else?
  15. Well, I was going to make some suggestions, but I don't know how "Survival Servers" operate. However, here's some information that may or may not be helpful. The default load out is located in the "config.bin" (you will need to unrap it to a .cpp) in the "dayz_code.pbo" file (you will need to unpack it). class CfgSurvival { class Inventory { class Default { magazines[] = {"ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller"}; weapons[] = {"ItemFlashlight"}; backpackWeapon = ""; backpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1"; }; }; If you were running a "Bliss"/Saintly/Sanctuary server and I think anti-rocket server, you can easily modify the custom load out in the database. There is another way, though. you can modify the "player_switchModel.sqf" file and add the weapons/items. I used the code before I found Sanctuary and subsequently Saintly server. It's alittle complicated, but essentially you unpack 'dayz_code.pbo' modify 'player_switchModel.sqf' by adding the following at the end of the file (modify the items to what you want), save that sqf in a folder in your mission directory (like '/mod" or "/fix") and then you have to compile it in your init.sqf to override the client version. Goes at the end of 'player_switchModel.sqf': player setVariable ["bodyName",dayz_playerName,true]; // #Gold# If Fresh player give pistol _load = [] spawn { sleep 4; diag_log ("PRO_ED: Attempting post loadout"); //if(secondaryweapon player == "" && primaryweapon player == "") then diag_log str(weapons player); if(count (weapons player) <= 1) then { player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addMagazine "ItemWaterbottle"; player addMagazine "FoodCanFrankBeans"; player addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"; player addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"; player addWeapon "Makarov"; player selectWeapon "Makarov"; }; }; }; Goes in 'init.sqf' in mission folder: player_switchModel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mod\player_switchModel.sqf";