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About budpico

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. budpico

    New DayZ clans network site

    Awesome thanks :)
  2. budpico

    New DayZ clans network site

    Yep - you can create events in clan calendars. I'm aiming to add features to this to create challenges that can be sent to other clans.
  3. I created a new DayZ community/clan site. It's early days yet and there's a bunch of features in the works, but it's now live so I thought I'd stick it out there for suggestions/feedback. You can sign up and create or join clans; create public pages for your clan and create a centralised place linked to your server if you have one. You can discuss all things dayz in public or private discussions and share plans, strategies and tips. I'm aiming to add free teamspeak servers too if there's enough interest. Let me know what you think - feature requests are most welcome :) http://www.clandayz.com