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Everything posted by danjwalker19

  1. danjwalker19

    Taviana Island Finale! Damn you volcano...

    lololol, the scarecrow scared you :D
  2. danjwalker19

    I Can Fly !!

    exactly my thought. Seems legit
  3. hi guys, I just bought a PC off a friend, and I'm having serious issues with my FPS (especially round major cities/towns). My specs are... Windows XP SP3 Intel Pentium4 2.8 GHz 1.5GB DDR400 RAM ATI Radeon HD 3850 To boost my FPS, i think it's the RAM which needs a good upgrade, however i'm not too sure and would like to hear your thoughts? Thanks
  4. danjwalker19

    Is it RAM that is my issue? Or is my PC useless?

    also, for future reference, Would the alienware x51 be any good? is it a system worth the money? or worth leaving alone?
  5. danjwalker19

    Is it RAM that is my issue? Or is my PC useless?

    nah, not ripped off. 20 quid and it was mine. Better than the last one i had ;) and yeah, ancient tech. Just getting by till can afford a new system all together :)
  6. danjwalker19

    Game content conversion?

    phew, i just got this message. Thought i was getting trolled by steam or something.
  7. danjwalker19

    Is it RAM that is my issue? Or is my PC useless?

    okay mate, thanks for you time :)
  8. danjwalker19

    Is it RAM that is my issue? Or is my PC useless?

    Since i'm on a tight budget, and want it upgraded ASAP, Would upgrading RAM to say, 3GB be enough? And it's quite an old PC so will DDR3 RAM fit? What's the difference between DDR3 and DDR400?
  9. danjwalker19

    Whats the best/safest way to save items

    i wish i had a flying battleship that shot rockets : (
  10. Hi guys, recently got the game and have been playing solid for a couple of days. However i have reached the point where i'm sick of bieng kidnapped and executed for my beans before i leave the coast line. Does anybody wanna team up ? PM me or post back if you're interested. Running the latest version will chat in game or on skype, skype preffered :) Let me know guyssss
  11. danjwalker19

    Looking for friends to play with/start a clan

    IGN: gingerveteren Age: 19 Play-style: i like to snipe. Sniping is where its at :) Skype Name: danwalker027 Steam Name: gingerveteren What do you like to do in DayZ: I like to snipe, pop some heads, communicate properly and most importantly, eat dem beanzzz !
  12. danjwalker19

    Making a small squad Recruitment UK/EU

    messaged you bro