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About [email protected]

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. i was with fastpointgaming for a few weeks and there service has really gone down hill i was waiting weeks for my server to be fixed, to scripts that they use on the 1clickinstalls and it didnt happen, they then blame someones mission file which was totally rubbish, so i posted the problem on there forums and they deleted it, i then asked them over skype why they remvoed my post and there answer was because you used false information. [19:43:51] Lee Woods: hi m8 [19:44:04] FastPointGaming: hey mate [19:44:14] Lee Woods: you can take my server down if you want [19:44:17] Lee Woods: dont use it [19:44:52] Lee Woods: you guys have gone really quiet, so ive called it a day with you guys [19:45:16] Lee Woods: and some of my 1click installs still dont work [19:45:31] Lee Woods: so if you can remove it mate [19:45:40] FastPointGaming: We haven't gone quiet, we have loads of stuff we are working on atm [19:46:05] FastPointGaming: Website, preparing for Arma 3 Epoch, Panel for Arma 3 alits life [19:46:17] FastPointGaming: Rust, 7 days to die [19:46:23] FastPointGaming: we are working on loads of different things [19:46:31] Lee Woods: np mate [19:46:39] Lee Woods: you can still remove my server please [19:46:43] FastPointGaming: okay [19:46:54] Lee Woods: good luck with fastpoint [19:50:18] Lee Woods: why did you remove my post [19:50:56] Lee Woods: you guys are turning out to be like gtxgaming [19:52:37] FastPointGaming: I removed your post because you are posting false information [19:52:45] Lee Woods: no [19:52:47] FastPointGaming: Every issue you have came to us with we have solved. [19:52:57] Lee Woods: i asked for my server to be fixed weeks ago [19:53:04] Lee Woods: still not fixed nothing false about it [19:53:09] FastPointGaming: What was the issue? [19:53:18] Lee Woods: wpd action menu does not work [19:53:22] Lee Woods: and also radio [19:53:27] Lee Woods: i spoke to elliot about it [19:53:35] Lee Woods: and he couldnt find anything [19:53:47] Lee Woods: so the info i posted wasnt false at all [19:57:06] FastPointGaming: the information you posted was 100% false. As Elliot passed on the issue to me and I looked into it. The problems were not with the installation of WPD/Radio. The problem was that you were using Monkee's Mission file which had conflicting mods. I have canceled your server as requested and wish you all the best. [19:57:28] Lee Woods: totally false [19:59:00] Lee Woods: and it was nothing to do with the mission file [19:59:27] Lee Woods: oh you banned me from the forums [19:59:29] Lee Woods: ok i did at one time recommend these guys, but not again, since they are a new provider, service was great at first but as time goes on, there service gets worse and worse
  2. awsome server lots of scripts added, server box supplied to all new players joining
  3. We are a small group of people, that just want to play dayz overpoch, we dont host a website or anything like that, what we do host is a teamspeak 3 server and a 50 man dayz overpoch server running chernarus, if you are intrested, then add me to your steam and we can chat and get you up and running with the server details and teamspeak details. Steam deathbecomesyou1 skype lee.woods42 (no not my age lol)
  4. Server Details DeaD Zone OverPoch Chernarus Version details Arma 2/Arma 2 OA [version 1.63.125548] DayZ Epoch [version] Dayz Overwatch [version 0.2.5] Server Addons/Scripts infistar Antihack Snap Build Pro Fixed Lift and tow More vehicles No Weight one step build! Self Bloodbag Safe Zone Traders Parachute Spawn Indestructible Bases Full Moon Nights Wicked AI Service Points Radio Communication Elevator Welcome Credits We are a small community and welcome all new arrivals to the server, help is always on hand if another player needs it. New Arrivals will recieve a Server Startup Box, to help them along with there building. Each month we will run a compertition to see who has the best base, (The winner will recieve a vehicle of there choice filled with gear) They will also be a PvP event where there will be a vehicle of heli full of loot, at a certain place, first to get to it and live gets the vehicle and the gear
  5. sorry i wouldnt back these guys, at all quick support at first now nothing
  6. looking to get some mods from you if you can help Wanted to get the mods AI missions SelfBlood bag Always day Tow/Lift Safezone bandits and other great mods
  7. need your help mate, with quite a few addons for my overpoch server
  8. hi all, i dont have a clue and need help, ive currently got a new overpoch server and want to add quite alot of stuff to it the map is taviana and im wondering how to add ai, bandits, self blood, service stations ai helis ect, if someone could point me in the right direction or give me a helping hand please i would be really grateful