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Everything posted by Murphyman20thGTI

  1. The only actual players I feel good killing! BANDITS Just had to put that out there, Well I've been playing for about a month now and can't get enough of this game. Well this morning was exilerating when I joined a "Celle" map server, played on it once or twice. I was looking for loot to gear my fresh spawn and I hear a couple beeps so I say in side chat hello I hear you beeping me being a fresh spawn with no guns THOUGHT I was not a threat to him so why would he try to kill me. So I'm running toward the tracker he is in and he see me and gets out I'm zigzagging just incase then he shoots me one think in the hip I run away yelling at him telling him he is an unskilled player if he has to go after fresh spawns I quickly bandage behind a small bush he hits me again. I run inside a hanger I guess that's what it is on this map looks different Find a Winchester and bandage again with last one I have at this time he is taking more shots at me through the open door, which was only 20-30meters away to begin with, then I hear him shooting hang gun hitting me once again I'm in shock shakie aim and pop off a shot in his direction then he realizes I have a gun now so it's on! He start to run away like a little bitch and I told him this in side chat. So we are both at 2 different doors going in and out wail my screen is super blurry and can't really see and pop off another shot taking out his legs! I'm thinking this Winchester has some range so shoot off one more shot from about 40 meters away and I hear the lovely sound of flys!! I spam in side chat that's what u get bitch for trying to kill fresh spawns and failing horribly. Find out he shot me 2 times with m24 sniper rifle and once with his m9. Best part was soon as I killed him I passed out of blood loss so I got lucky with that also. Loot his body and hide that shit so he can cry about it later when he come back here. So now I'm running around with 416 blood passing out every 5 mins but I am alive!! All in all I hate bandits or bandits in the making. If you shoot at me or anything like that I will shoot other than that I give every1 chance. I'm a friendly person, so I do feel bad if I kill non hostile players but I feel damn Great killing bandits. Yes this forum may be in wrong section since its about bandits thought I would put it here. Well enjoy and happy hunting bandits see you in my crossairs! Ps I even give bandits a chance since they need help sometimes too.
  2. Murphyman20thGTI

    bandits... I love killing them!

    Haha I didn't ask for your sympathy. Nore do I need it. It's actually a good change me being a bandit on a few servers now. I shoot on site if they are armed friendly or not.
  3. I was trying to play the new mod map Panthera, and its up to date with dayz commander but it get a fail message when its about to load up character. the message I get is, "you are running an incorrect version of DAYZ_code Please download this file for Dayzmod.com/downloads (you are running version 1.7.3, and the server is running 1.5) and when i download/update that mod patch from dayzcommander it is version 1.5. (up todate) any help would be great, and the version 1.7.3 is the version of dayz itself so i am unsure off the problem. and that can only go back to version and the panthera mod goes back to version 1.1
  4. Ok I COMPLETELY uninstalled arma, arma oa, dayz mod, dayz commander, arma launcher and anything related. Reinstalled arma's and the mod then dayz commander and all the maps one at a time. I am about to join some maps but still getting WRONG VERSION error her and there and can't ever join those servers...
  5. Murphyman20thGTI

    Some little things to Improve DayZ

    I was just thinking why hasn't any suggested making the characters be able to: Point, Wave, even Jump. I don't think I have ever played a game where the player can't even jump.. Even Mario can jump! Or is this an ability humans lose in a zombie apocalypse??!!! And also was thinking it would be perfect for players without a mic to be able to point to direct someone instead of taking time to type in chat or speak in direct chat that can give there position away. Waving could be a nice little extra feature also! Just my thoughts thanks for looking.
  6. Murphyman20thGTI

    bandits... I love killing them!

    Noyz, yea I wasn't complaining about pvp it's actually a big part of this game for sure. I enjoy the pvp actually but when it involes unarmed players I just see the point for someone to be that Dick that shoots you and not even attempt to loot you they just want to kill and kill only. They should go back to COD! Yes granted if that player you do let live gets a gun and comes back to kill you I understand why you would kill an unarmed player. So all I am saying it takes little to No skill to kill unarmed people, I would rather let them live so they can get a gun and come back to try to kill me then it will be a challenge atleast and make the game actually challenging. Either way it's all still gonna happen and it will never change, o well that's dayz!
  7. Murphyman20thGTI

    Whats so entertaining about this mod?

    Addrenaline, that's why I play!! Yes most people shoot on site but u can make friends, search on forums find atleast one person to group with I swear u will have a better time!
  8. Murphyman20thGTI

    Blor1's Dayz season four Namalsk

    Interesting keep going what did u hear?!!
  9. I can namalsk servers but no other maps beside chenarous. Wtf so annoying I want to play them. PLEASE HELP
  10. I'm also getting wrong version error in other maps like panthera. Says I am running version 1.7.3 and that for dayz itself and says server is running 1.6.3 which is the panthera latest version which I have. But for some reason it is mixing up something somewhere Any help for all of us is Greatly appreciated
  11. I seem to no be able to join any maps besides chenaraus. I don't know what is wrong.. CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT WITH THIS.
  12. Murphyman20thGTI

    Lots of vehicles, what to do?

    Welch old buddy old pall not sure which server you are referring too but I have an idea! Just be careful in who's car you take/destroy! From my couple times finding a camp with cars if i cant take them all I would personally pop 1 tire each car to disable them. I don't see point in completely destroying them unless they where hacked/teleported. At the end of the day the choice is your: take the red or blue pill!
  13. Murphyman20thGTI

    [Video] Personal Revenge

    I like the little ending giving beans then shot down!
  14. Murphyman20thGTI

    KnightRid3R Girl Gamer Just Sayin hi :D and my first video!

    Good vid, commented and thumbed up it on YouTube.
  15. Yea sorry about that it's my normal private hive server I'm always on. And where actually I came across paths with welch. I wasn't trying to advertise that server hear. Anyways met up wit WM suspect yesterday nice guy he scooped me in heli and we went after another heli that was flying around but no luck taking it down. Well I will be back on today for sure for some more action
  16. Hey welch! Not a thing just when it's empty and I'm only player it get lonely!! the advancedgaming server is great decent car spawns and players are great. This server is good guys found some decent stuff within 5 -10 mins on fresh spawn. Talked with a few players yesterday and seemed nice. Ps: Ingame name is" MURPHS" If u had seen me yesterday.
  17. Haha ok good to know, I will try to join you guys tonight providing the wife doesn't prevent me from doing so. And thanks pegz for the heads up on shooting me! I will die willingly if I have nothing good to lose but if I find a makorove it's on :/ Xd
  18. I will be trying to join this server later today to give it a try. I like the private hive better that's for sure. Yea a lot of people that are possibly friendly get mad if u shoot at them!! And if he was admin they do have ability to locate EVERYTHING! including tents cars players! Some admins abuse this but there are some that don't know they can do that! Advice don't hunt the admins or raid there camps haha they may and can search for your location and kill/ loot what u took from them.
  19. Murphyman20thGTI

    How do you make friends?

    Find someone here on forums to play with is the best way I think most players in game shoot on site or backstab you!! Use teamspeak or sometimes type of chat, which is what most people use in a group/team Hope this helps. "Be careful who you trust!!"
  20. I would to be able to play these other maps but I guess I can't seem to join any other map like fallujah either.. Same type of error "WRONG VERSION" Wtf I'm literally banging my head against the wall! Can any1 help me?
  21. Yup still having this problem its says this with all panthera servers...
  22. I have completely removed the addon to do fresh reinstalls and still can join panthera..
  23. I just updated to 1.7.3 ad also installed the panthera addon map version 1.5 since that's all it offers and can't seem to join says wrong version.