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Everything posted by Refried

  1. Refried

    No competent player should die

    itt we learn that '3' means 'riddled with' you're a sensationalist with flawed information that simply wants to complain about non-issues i think we're done here
  2. Refried

    No competent player should die

    military locations you mean like all of those deer stands that are nowhere near city death zones?
  3. Refried

    No competent player should die

    spoiler alert #2: raiding hospitals will always be dangerous are you implying that this is a problem, or...? (btw the berezino hospital is nowhere near as hot as the cherno/elektro ones so i don't know where you're getting this 'same situation' thing from)
  4. Refried

    No competent player should die

    maybe you've heard of this cool new place called 'berezino'
  5. Refried

    No competent player should die

    spoiler alert: if you're one of those people dying to snipers in elektro then you DO need to play better 100% avoidable situation
  6. Refried

    Whoa arma 2 is baaad

    you had such a reasonable reply going there and then ruined it with some trite GO PLAY BF3 LOLS bullshit for shame ;)
  7. Refried

    Longest time you've stayed alive?

    25 days ending in a dumb glitchy death (but at least i didn't get sniped strolling through cherno) tried to crawl around the front of one of those pine trees on the north elektro hill while my buddy was spawning in right next to me his spawn delocated my player into the tree and instagibbed me good thing it was a short run back from otmel
  8. Refried

    No competent player should die

    as opposed to all of those other video game actions which are productive ??
  9. Refried

    Whoa arma 2 is baaad

    definitely anyone denying that is just a fanboy arma 2 has a lot of great gameplay ideas but the engine is pretty much a joke bug-wise my buddy and i attempted to play through the chernarus campaign and on any long mission our saves would always become corrupted and force us to start missions over endlessly, which eventually just led to us becoming fed up and quitting it's a shame because it's really fun :/
  10. Refried

    No competent player should die

    it's so easy to tell who dies constantly in this thread lol
  11. Refried

    No competent player should die

    how exactly do you people suggest snipers go about their business? should they pull out a loudspeaker and scream 'HELLO SIR I CHALLENGE YOU TO A CONTEST OF SKILL AND VALOR' across 800m so it becomes a "fair" fight? i mean god forbid players actually learn where the high-risk sniper areas are on the map and intelligently avoid them
  12. Refried

    No competent player should die

    i guess someone should tell our real life military snipers that they need to stand up and wave their arms around more :rolleyes: but on topic, it's not that hard because so many people are very bad at this game. it's not his fault that well-geared teams with rangefinders and thermal scopes don't come hunt him down after he's beeing popping off .50 rounds for over an hour. the north elektro hill is a known death trap, and yet people still wander around the store/north fire station/school roof/hospital roof like they're in a magical gumdrop forest. no pity for the ignorant and stupid
  13. Refried

    Being a Bandit = Easy Mode.

    at least 100 threads a day like this could just be replaced with 'i was shot and am unhappy about it'
  14. Refried


    sounds like exactly the kind of thrilling adventures that these so-called PVE servers would provide endgame would include making tin can sculptures and seeing who can collect the most FN FAL ammo and giving out prizes for 'best hug'
  15. i am not necessarily saying don't do separate pve servers as much as i'm trying to convince you that whatever you think will be fun about them will not exist i'm trying to save you all some time ;)
  16. i clearly stated my case earlier on this page
  17. there's no problem other than an entire thread calling you wrong and player statistics to disprove any claims you have about rampant pvp endlessly slaughtering all players maybe you should wise up
  18. i'm sorry' date=' are we playing the same game? zombies are utterly trivial. none of that loot has any value if everyone can prance around the NWAF and wait their turn to loot it without risk. there are dozens of other games that do this far better. shooting only zombies in dayz would get old after about 10 minutes. but the incredibly important difference is that those 1-2 other players could be anywhere on the map and you would still have to play like they are right around the corner from you at all times. this basically keeps the risk factor the same as a populated server to a degree.
  19. ^ this X infinity which suggests that survivors actually want to shoot on sight as well but they have some mental block that requires moral justification for actions in a video game (lol). this in turn festers bitter resentment towards those without such qualms and then we get to read threads like this. the only thing bandit skins ever did was artificially turn this game into a faction system. all players should have regarded all other players as unknowns until they investigated further, not be handed some giant sign that says HEY ITS OKAY TO SHOOT THIS "BAD" GUY.
  20. please explain to me what would be fun about a non-PVP server whatsoever i'm genuinely asking
  21. what the fuck would you do in this game without player threats it would be unfathomably boring are you all going to hold hands and stand in the NW barracks taking turns looting night vision?
  22. fact: the numbers on player deaths (which unfortunately are down currently) show murder to be the cause maybe 20% of time at best it's almost as if pvp isn't nearly the issue that people claim it is
  23. you are capitalizing both ZOMBIE and REALISTIC in the same post do you understand how ridiculous you sound right now furthermore, bandits and aggressive players are teaming up just as much if not more than "friendly" players if you want to balance things, then make some friends and go hunt them; your own actions are the only bandit deterrents in this game