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About Refried

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  1. Refried

    Zombie Pathing

    you guys realize you are using phrases like 'real zombie', right
  2. Refried

    Zombie Pathing

    i have yet to see 'warping' zombies and nothing about the zig-zagging feels immersion breaking to me; fast-moving infected jerking around randomly due to rage/loss of motor control/neural reprogramming by the virus is fine and is one of the only things that makes them surprising or scary
  3. Refried

    Zombie Pathing

    i will never understand why people see this as an issue zombies are already a complete joke for anyone with an ounce of sense they certainly don't need to walk towards you in neat little rows holding signs that say HEADSHOT ME PLEASE
  4. are you guys really not understanding that your bright white pants can be seen from miles away (especially at night) there is pretty much no reason to play anything other than a black man at the moment that probably needs to be balanced out
  5. this thread was over at post #3 so you can put your nerd boner away and stop effort posting zombies exist as survivor proximity alarms and that is all that a simple piece of static game code can ever hope to be
  6. and somehow, not a single person in this thread mentions the GLARING WHITE PANTS THAT YOU CANNOT REMOVE picking female is either incredibly stupid or a way you can intentionally make the game harder
  7. Refried

    Destroying Friendships

    you are in the minority pretty much everyone i know that has played this game long enough has gone down the dupe/altf4 road expecting everyone to abide by the honor system is just laughable; it has to be fixed.
  8. this will probably just exacerbate the issue people careless enough to be blindly shot from these locations may now start relying on a map such as this instead of learning the game and using logic to intelligently identify sniper lanes themselves so now when they die randomly to snipers they will get mad at a map for not telling them they were in danger instead of recognizing their own flaws
  9. Refried

    Destroying Friendships

    anyone who plays this game long enough and learns enough about it is going to be alt-f4'ing and duping simply because they can. it's extremely difficult to convince yourself to do something the long/legitimate way when you know you can receive instant gratification by using broken game mechanics. even worse, it destroys interest in the game because you realize that most other players are doing the same thing. hunting and eliminating a highly-geared player means nothing if he just spawn-hopped back to his buddies and was fully rekitted with dupes 5 minutes later. these issues have to be fixed at the source; expecting everyone to resist temptation is a pipe dream.
  10. there is no other possible play style zombies are trivial killing players in this game is fun because you are killing someone that may have spent weeks* gathering his kit (the same as you) it is not even remotely similar to cod/halo/whatever other dumb fucking comparison you want to make where you instantly respawn fully kitted on a tiny map i would love to hear you explain what 'complexity' the game would magically have by becoming a ghost town since all other mechanics like wandering medics, anti-bandit groups, and safe zones revolve around the danger of players, not some AI zombies *note: this does not actually exist anymore because rampant duping issues have failed to be fixed
  11. pretty much yes you are going to die in this game. period. the circumstances surrounding it barely matters (and that goes double for your super-contrived scenario above)
  12. no, they shot on sight because a magical combination of clothing told them it was okay (which is utter unrealistic horseshit) it SHOULD be risky to approach unknown players it SHOULD NOT be known from a glance whether a player is "good" or not; if you want to find out, then go ask him and good luck this is without even getting into the fact that many non-bandits ended up with bandit skins for various reasons
  13. how long are people going to continue pushing the myth that bandit skins worked? it created an artificial faction system and gave survivors an excuse to shoot on sight (the very thing they whine about constantly)
  14. unless the next update also fixes the numerous ways to dupe (that existed well before 1.7.2), wiping the database is meaningless
  15. Refried

    Pvp, PvE, DM and so forth...........

    because i have yet to see anyone clamoring for PVE give me a single example of what they intend to do on these servers that would be even slightly fun or challenging the entire concept sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to being murdered and people convincing themselves that if bandits didn't exist this game would be a magical utopia of never-ending sunshine and orgasms feel free to prove me wrong