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Everything posted by TheEnderGame

  1. TheEnderGame

    Ghillie Suits up for trade

    As the title says i'm trading some ghillie suits for other things, post your offers here if you are interested. Mainly looking for a DMR or some tents.
  2. My friends and I were playing on server US 3382 saying they found an ATV with no petrol so I ran to our camp, grabbed some Jerry Cans and started running to their location. After a few minutes of travelling I hear my friend Paul saying "there's another guy here quick shoot him" then a few seconds later I head my other friend firefist saying that he just shot about 16 bullets into the person and that he wasn't hurt by it at the same time Paul opens fire on the stranger but doesn't cause any damage as well. After this, I see at the bottom left corner of my screen that they had both been killed and heard them saying this guy's definitely hacking and that his name was dafwefa. Don't know if posting this here will do anything but I hope that any admin of a server sees this and bans this person if he joins their server.
  3. TheEnderGame

    Ghillie Suits up for trade

    Sounds good, I won't be on for another 2 hours though because of school, send me a pm then and we can arrange the trade.
  4. TheEnderGame

    Establishing a New Rep as a Trader. [What I have to offer]

    Sorry to say but I just found an M4A1 CCO SD today so the deal is off.
  5. TheEnderGame

    WTB - Ghilli suit

    I will tarde a suit for the DMR if you are still looking for one.
  6. TheEnderGame

    Establishing a New Rep as a Trader. [What I have to offer]

    i'll trade a rangefinder and a ghillie suit for a M4A1 CCO SD if you are interested
  7. TheEnderGame

    blood bag

    what server are you on? I could probably head up there now seeing as i'm about a 10min run away.
  8. TheEnderGame

    Want NVG please, see trades below.

    i'll trade a pair of night vision goggles for the M4A1 CCO SD and a tent.