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About Hero123

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    On the Coast
  1. Hero123

    Real ammo names

    FYI, an AKS and AKM use the same ammuntion and same bullets. The only difference is the stock attachment point. You're thinking AK47/AKS/AKM v AK74/AKS74. I find it hilarious how many people play this game and know nothing about firearms. I mean really, nothing at all? I can see making a mistake here or there because you don't know everything. I can see not knowing anything at all about a few guns or not knowing about belt feds or AKs or something. But nothing, nothing at all? Really?! I think most or all of the ammo types have decent names, but it could be better. I say make ammunition and magazines 2 different things. Have to find them both. And finding a gun without a magazine should be pretty rare. I think it'd be hilarious to have to have people loading single rounds into their chamber in a gunfight. "I found an M19!" Me: You mean M9? "No, an M19." Me: You mean a G17? "No, the M19!" *I check dayzdb pistols page* Me: Yeah, you must mean the M9. 15 round magazine. "No, 7 round clip. M19." Me: You found a half empty magazine? "No, they all take 7 round clipz." *I see 1911 in his hand* Me: Oh my god. And who uses 7 round 1911 mags?!
  2. Hero123

    I killed my friend - DayZ

    I've yet to see a bandit get the jump on anybody. They're always terrible noobs like this. Somebody sees the bandit, runs right up to them, makes themselves obvious and makes sure to be unthreatening, and the bandit can't figure it out. DERP! The guy saw you from far away, ran right up to you, laid down, and looked away from you. Yeah, that's a big threat. Bandits = derp.