FYI, an AKS and AKM use the same ammuntion and same bullets. The only difference is the stock attachment point. You're thinking AK47/AKS/AKM v AK74/AKS74. I find it hilarious how many people play this game and know nothing about firearms. I mean really, nothing at all? I can see making a mistake here or there because you don't know everything. I can see not knowing anything at all about a few guns or not knowing about belt feds or AKs or something. But nothing, nothing at all? Really?! I think most or all of the ammo types have decent names, but it could be better. I say make ammunition and magazines 2 different things. Have to find them both. And finding a gun without a magazine should be pretty rare. I think it'd be hilarious to have to have people loading single rounds into their chamber in a gunfight. "I found an M19!" Me: You mean M9? "No, an M19." Me: You mean a G17? "No, the M19!" *I check dayzdb pistols page* Me: Yeah, you must mean the M9. 15 round magazine. "No, 7 round clip. M19." Me: You found a half empty magazine? "No, they all take 7 round clipz." *I see 1911 in his hand* Me: Oh my god. And who uses 7 round 1911 mags?!