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Cobolt (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cobolt (DayZ)

  1. Cobolt (DayZ)

    New Private Hive looking for players. Hosted by Blood-Adders(Rmod)

    im up for this but i won't be able to play till satrday mabye. :facepalm:
  2. Cobolt (DayZ)

    The Art Of Tent Hunting [ Base Hunting ]

    I got a M246 SAW from a tent south of stary although It felt cheap so i dropped it for an akm :thumbsup:
  3. Cobolt (DayZ)

    Devil Dog's Free Gear Giveaway!

    Could you put a M4A1 CCO SD and as much ammo as poss away for me? Id come and get it but my ping is horrible and i can't paly on any servers untill friday or saturday. thank you much appreciated
  4. Cobolt (DayZ)


    Just posting to say that Z_StaTik_z saved my live with a blood bag. thanks again, hope this is good.
  5. Cobolt (DayZ)


    Good luck StaTik
  6. Cobolt (DayZ)


    well could you specify what you need help with?
  7. Cobolt (DayZ)

    Differing sizes of players

    Theirs allways custom player skins. I myself have Deadpool and there are very little problems involved.
  8. Cobolt (DayZ)

    In a duel, What side arm would you want?

    Definitely a Revolver, gold plated if possible.
  9. one of the first times that i played i got quite lucky found a shotgun and a sidearm some food n drink aswell and i decided to go over the top of the hill above cherno i think and sadly i was brutally murdered got shot.... A few days later i started again and spawn in some small coastal town attracted all the zombies and started running only to spot another player he had a M9 and was like oh wow, so he killed all the zombies and we teamed up after about an hour i asked for his gun and he gave it to and i left not because i wanted to steal his gun just only i had to go. good times...... good times......
  10. Cobolt (DayZ)

    Cherno TAXI Service is recruiting!

    I need a taxi. Is that open yet?
  11. I would like to find another person to team with I am a bit of a noob right now so yeah. any takers?
  12. Cobolt (DayZ)

    Pick a number for a free l85

    ill take them
  13. Cobolt (DayZ)

    Looking for another survivor to team with

    I am 15 but i don't realy want to join a clan or anything just another freindly survivour to share my beans with.
  14. Cobolt (DayZ)

    noob looking for someone to play with, CST

    Darknight558 may i join you also? i am in a similler state as Demonic