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King SOB

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About King SOB

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. My server has a heli. And every time it respawns it lasts a day at most before a hacker does something to it and its gone for another few weeks. Once you get your heli don't be surprised if its gone after a few days. Sadly hacker rule the public hives
  2. King SOB

    Join HFBServers today

    Hfb already have a thread why spam the this forum
  3. King SOB

    US 1694, where have you gone?

    Looking at the servers start date and the day it went offline would seem to show its down for good. They didn't want to pay there bill
  4. King SOB

    US 1694, where have you gone?

    For a server to just go Down may mean they shut it down for good
  5. There are 3. 2 are claimed and the 3rd one spawned at electro and was crashed. When I reload the files it will spawn again some where else.
  6. There are 3. 2 are claimed and the 3rd one spawned at electro and was crashed. When I reload the files it will spawn again some where else.
  7. King SOB

    Mountain Dew!!!

    www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Radio The radio is useless
  8. King SOB

    [SOLVED] How to fix infinite loading

    I think the problem was BEC and not bliss it's self. Sitting here at work thinking about it and come to think of it people have problems on servers with BEC due to names with characters it doesn't like
  9. King SOB

    [SOLVED] How to fix infinite loading

    Did it work ?
  10. I'm asking nice like for you and Tom to delete your posts spamming this thread before I have to report them
  11. King SOB

    Admin powers?

    With battle eye turned on you risk getting banned your self. Sadly there no real easy way to get hackers unless they suck and make the log files.