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Everything posted by mvp4kobe

  1. mvp4kobe

    LoH Is Looking for Members

    Sorry for the late response, I sent you a steam friends request and yes you guys we are still up playing some dayz!! Come join us in the dayz battle room in our TS!!
  2. mvp4kobe

    LoH Is Looking for Members

    Bump, we are on playing right now.
  3. mvp4kobe

    LoH Is Looking for Members

    We are now on TS and available to play! Come game
  4. mvp4kobe

    LoH Is Looking for Members

    We are still accepting people. Have our own hive server and runs smooth. Come on our TS and join us in the dayz battle room for some fun!
  5. mvp4kobe

    [LoH] looking for members

    Still accepting players. Have had quite a few respond by coming on our TS! Do not miss out on some awesome gameplay!! Hit me up on steam: mvp4kobe
  6. Well if you get tired of paying for a TS you guys are welcome on mine friend
  7. Hey man my clan is currently accepting members for our LoH legion. Add me on steam for our TS info steam id is mvp4kobe
  8. My clan has a TS and multiple active members that play DayZ from EU and NA. Add me on steam and we can talk more, steam id is mvp4kobe
  9. Sent you a friedn request from mvp4kobe username. Add me and I will give you more info on my TS
  10. mvp4kobe


    Add me on steam and I will give you my clans TS info steam is mvp4kobe
  11. mvp4kobe

    Looking for a bandit group to join :)

    Depends on how old you are as our limit is 16 but add me to steam at mvp4kobe and I will give you more information
  12. mvp4kobe

    Intermediate bandit looking for clan.

    Add me to steam at mvp4kobe and I will give you more info about our clan and TS
  13. mvp4kobe

    looking for freinds to play dayz with

    LoH is currently recruiting members for our DayZ legion. Add me to steam at mvp4kobe and I will give you the TS info
  14. mvp4kobe

    Looking for a clan to join/merge with.

    LoH has EU and NA dayz players and we are also getting our own dedi box by the eend of the week. Steam me at mvp4kobe for more info about our TS
  15. mvp4kobe

    Bandito looking for teammates

    Hey man tried to add you on steam but it would not let me. Add me to steam at mvp4kobe
  16. Hey man come on our TS and lets chat a little bit. Add me to steam: mvp4kobe
  17. mvp4kobe

    [LoH] looking for members

    Yeah we are an active clan that is also supporting MW3 and CS-GO, along with quite a few of other games. We are currently getting a permanent website made and our own dedicated server box set up then we will have our own DayZ server. If you have anymore questions visit our website at legionofhonor.ca and come on our TS at the IP listed above. Hope to see you guys soon! Also my steam ID is mvp4kobe.