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Everything posted by Bourneco

  1. I believe we should have an actual INFECTION System, which means, if you get bit/downed by a zombie, you get infected, but, the time until you ACTUALLY turn is determined by how many bites you endured, 1 bite is 24 hours (In game) and 2 is dividing by 2 ect. ect. ect. But, you could also have a new suit/gear that can block bites, such as a Hazmat suit thats been covered in wax, so that its harder for teeth to dig into it, they would be MOST COMMONLY found in Military camps and hospitals, due to the fact the CDC, Hazmat, Russian Spetznaz Hazardous Material squad would be called in, all wearing these suits, they would vary, the CDC would get orange ones, Hazmat would get a kind of greenish-brown camoflauge pattern, Russian HM squad would get a standard, US-ish camo pattern (Due to the fact they are a COMBAT squad). If this is implimented it would strengthen the need to be stealthy, but also give run-and-gun long time players a huge advantage over other players. +More Survival +More gear +Possibility of more player-based events, that actually happen un-schedueled because players discover stuff. -More of a hardened gamer type playerbase -More 'Ishootyouforgear' players. -/+ People can gain these items. CDC suit: -Less Combat armor -Peripheral vision +Not being infected Hazmat: +/- Slight combat armor. -Peripheral vision (Not as bad as CDC, though) + Not being Infected +On-suit backpack Russian Hazmat: +Combat Armored -Peripheral Vision (Not as bad as Hazmat) +Not being infected +Best for combat use
  2. That wouldn't be as dumb as it sounds, it attacks the nervous system, so we are immune to it in our CELLS but not our BRAIN, you'd hallucinate until they get paranoid enough to kill you or lock you in some random place.
  3. That is what makes going into towns bad, this would kinda balance out the actual SURVIVAL players and BANDIT players.
  4. BUT, players can cover up bites and risk there group, but also cause less paranoia.
  5. No, an ACTUAL zombie illness would cause an actual sense of Paranoia in playergroups, after a huge bit of combat, there should be a bite-check that people can do, and if that person is bit, either quarintine, or kill.
  6. OOoo! Camp-site sanitary conditions: +More survival +Upkeep -You get fucked with different colds for different sanitarys (Fecal, piss, STD's, blah, blah) +Otherboshit that has to do with colllds?
  7. But you don't turn, you just die (Kinda like a cold, but worse)
  8. Yeah, what he said, but the drugs only PREVENT turning for 2-3 days.
  9. Gasmasks: Ability to not get infected by airborne virus strains. -Peripheral Vision +Not infected in air +Not infected by various other things (Not bites) -Needs a large amount of filters to function properly
  10. Not only BITES infect though, you could say it was (The Salanum Virus) is airborne or on the actual BODYS of zombies, so, if you breath to much in, it could be that way, I also suggest making a gasmask item, due to the fact of that (And Filters that need to be re-put on)
  11. Forgot one: Experimental Medications that PREVENT turning (For about 2 days or so) Rare as FUCK. -Rare +Don't get infected as fast +Allows players to still stay alive IF they have a stockpile.
  12. An addon to my crafting idea is: Ability to craft amunition types from vehicle parts and other spare metal/glass/candles, almost anything can be put into shotgun shell form, melt a crayon you might find in the hospital into a wax slug with a better chance of penetrating an enemy not using special clothing, or the ability to put a more complex mixture of things together, such as wax, filled with little birdshot pellets to create a special version of the wax slug, allowing the round to be fired, the wax holding it together during flight, but on impact, the birdshot would scatter in your enemy, causing internal damage and bleeding Another thing as well Blood and damage If you are shot with one of the wax slugs my last suggestion, what might happen, how would it happen, will the round damage you in a way worse then a conventional round would? I'm just saying add some more damage options and make the blood level more realistic, measure it in Liters, the human body normally pumps around 3-4 liters of blood, estimate, but 12000 whatevers of blood isn't really realistic... Also, morphine doesn't mend wounds, and it doesn't help healing, it should be a temporary pain-reliever until more immediate medical supplies or attention can be found.
  13. After a few nights of thinking over what I said about reproduction, I can understand how it would effect and change many hardcore gamers playstyles, and, it would destroy the core of the game as a survival FPS, made during a Zombie Apocalypse, it would also give some new meaning to the game, but the bad outweighs the good in this situation, the good may be a little tidbit of what it can do, but the bad outweighs the good effects.
  14. It would create a better atmosphere and add a more "Defensive" player base, rather then the bandits and hackers that run around killing people on sight. Like this example. ** A group of bandits surround a small camp occupied by a group of survivors, the survivors are jumped by the Bandits, one of the couples has a child, the mother would seem scared for the childs life, holding him/her as the Bandits ravage the tents, looking for supplies and other specific things, the father, who would focus on defending the child, does not attack unless provoked. ** A bandit would look at the child, raising his weapon, "You got anything, little bitch!" yelling towards the child, the father, feeling lightly provoked by the bandits movements, tries to resolve the situation, "Come on, he's just a kid, he doesn't know.." the bandit, who is obviously meaning business fires a round into the sky, "Anyone who doesn't do what I ask, gets shot! Including kids!" the child, who is now cowering behind his mother, speaks, "Bad man!" this would raise a red flag for both the parents ** The father, who is ready to strike at a moments notice would keep the child from harm, stepping infront of the two people he's supported along his journey through the wasteland ** The bandit, who is a retard, has no care for the father anymore, the child, who was not noticed going off into one of the tents, is now unseen... ** The child, who is now behind the Bandit, holding one of the weapons they had hid in one of the tents, in his hand is a .357 revolver, he yells out to the man, pulling the hammer back on the .357, "Get away from my parents!" he'd say, his eyes showing a certain readiness to fire, the bandit, who is not very intimidated, brings up his weapon, the kid, who's been trained to use this firearm, fires one shot, the round hitting the bandit in the stomach, disabling him. This is only one way you can use a child in a survival game, it presents a certain awareness the two playing the parents, plus the kid, has to have, it makes a intresting gameplay mechanic, and, if your lucky enough to survive for a period of 3-5 months, it would be a gameplay mechanic using the aging and reproduction, this would make bandits more scarce, as all the players (Be it good or bad) have to work together to survive, hell, the child could even be an NPC if no player is available. And, if your child is killed while you are present, you'd loose humanity, preserving that balance that needs to be in these games, the game should also be based upon players actions and should mimic the character/players personality.
  15. The reproduction I put, I didn't mean you'd actually have to watch, but during it you'd be vulnerable, and, the female would have to stay at camp during pregnancy (About a two-four week period, in which the male, or anyone in the group, can get things for the female, as that character is more prone to being infected (Like I said in the last suggestion) or attacked. Another thing. -Ageing Add some kind of aging system, your not going to be fit as a fiddle during the whole apocalypse, will you? P.S Zombie bites/swings should be a system of infection, bites take shorter amounts of time if your character is damaged, or has been bit more then once. A swing /only/ counts if the zombie was infected from the start, not brought back to life by the Solanum virus.
  16. -Genders Ability to reproduce with female characters for males, and females to reproduce with males. Sooner or later you've got to do it, plus, it would add a camp system, which if you had children, you'd have to protect your camp and keep people from stealing your children, or zombies (As stated in the last thing) eating people in forests. -Weapons A better system, adding stuff to what DayZ and ArmA2 has to offer, older weapons, M1 Garands, that stuff, plus handmade weapons.. -Crafting Ability to craft tools and other things, like hand-made weapons, which are more prone to jam and misfire, but can be made easier. -Environment Sure, the current place we are in is good, but it needs expanding, I like how an old Source mod did it, NMRiH, they took maps, made them linear, but put more side things in the game, and by side things I mean.. forest camps that are randomly spawned, containing survivor zombies with low-medium weaponry, and, this would eliminate Forests being safe zones, zombies are most likely going to hunt in the forest, and spread out from citys.