Handle/Nick: davidb1329 (typo in the title) Server: US 417 Date / Time: 09-23-2012 Approx 17:45 - 18:13 I was at the NW Airfield, loaded out, gill suit, ooc, and noticed that zombies were swarming in from across the runway toward my position. I was prone, not moving and not shooting. Rounds fell in all around me from out of nowhere. I thought that I'd ran up on someone camping and was in their kill zone. I didn't get hit. Zombies swarmed, and I started backing out, still prone, slow crawl. He just came up and one shot me with a pistol. I thought "Ok, I screwed up somewhere, it happens.." I respawned on the beach, at Bollato, dropped to prone. Within 30 seconds I hear a horde of zombies and there he was right in front of me running with zombies following him. Zombies all died around 30m, I couldn't hear any shots fired. He came up to me, said "he felt sorry for killing me" and pitched a tent. I could hear more zombies heading my way, so I watched them and they passed right by me and just fell over dead within 5 meters of him.