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About Dredster

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dredster

    Grounded the little turd

    You know, with your attitude of adapting and overcoming, you should be in the military. Cheat in an NCO Leadership course, see how that works out. Cheat in an obstacle course, see how that turns out. Try cheating in a fire fight because your buddy shot your target on the live fire range. See how that works out for you. Seriously, adapting is one thing, but you have rules that you have to adhere too. You can't go below the hard deck in an aircraft during maneuvers. Why? Because you may end up auguring into the ground if you violate that. Learning to adapt is one thing, learning to adapt by ignoring rules is a totally different situation that needs to be prevented.
  2. Dredster

    Grounded the little turd

    It's a very good thing that this is the year 2012. If this had happened in 1970 and you said that. It didn't matter who's kid you are, you would have been sent to get a switch from the nearest tree. If you didn't, It would have been gotten for you, and then the cheeks of your bottom end would have been reddened to the point you could barely sit. If you fidgeted, you'd get more. Backtalk or lip of any kind didn't happen much because it would have gotten your face rolled to the back of your head with the back of a hand. Decide to give a glare? It would get rolled to the other side with the other hand. We didn't have child idiots back then, children respected their elders and valued their insight and wisdom. Not much of that takes place in today's world. Comments and attitudes of this child attest to that.
  3. Handle/Nick: davidb1329 (typo in the title) Server: US 417 Date / Time: 09-23-2012 Approx 17:45 - 18:13 I was at the NW Airfield, loaded out, gill suit, ooc, and noticed that zombies were swarming in from across the runway toward my position. I was prone, not moving and not shooting. Rounds fell in all around me from out of nowhere. I thought that I'd ran up on someone camping and was in their kill zone. I didn't get hit. Zombies swarmed, and I started backing out, still prone, slow crawl. He just came up and one shot me with a pistol. I thought "Ok, I screwed up somewhere, it happens.." I respawned on the beach, at Bollato, dropped to prone. Within 30 seconds I hear a horde of zombies and there he was right in front of me running with zombies following him. Zombies all died around 30m, I couldn't hear any shots fired. He came up to me, said "he felt sorry for killing me" and pitched a tent. I could hear more zombies heading my way, so I watched them and they passed right by me and just fell over dead within 5 meters of him.