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About roops

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    On the Coast
  1. Exactly! We don't need a million ways to kill people in a game!... I'm not a samaritan as I like to play shooters too, but just because of the skill and reaction factor that those involve, the heck I liked SMNC alot especially because it wasn't just a blatant shooter... But c'mon there was a suggestion that we should be able to hang other players. -.- Do we REALLY need things like that just for sake of realism? That also applies to the point with zombie children, why do we really need them? Male and female are absolutely ok! I think it's disgusting how some people here just want to see people (even if it's just virtual ones) die in as much ways as possible... Focus on additions to gameplay mechanics, not killing mechanics! :]
  2. Still not a good suggestion, sry!^^ There should be absolutely no non-animal/non-zombie NPC in the world what so ever... The only survivors are the players! NPCs are too predictable, even when having an incredible A.I implemented. Also... Are you a man or a mouse? safe havens, PFFFFFFT! Come again when you're ready to survive a zombie-apocalypse! ;D :P
  3. This is actually very true and nice that you mentioned it because I almost forgot about this inconvenience! :]
  4. I agree with almost everything on this list but please don't add any uninfected NPCs into this game (rare encounters) because despite them being dangerous due to their equip they're still NPCs and you will always be able to glitch those NPCs or find a loophole in their AI so it will be too easy to get the nice equip. In short: NPCs are predictable! Only zombies and to a lesser extend animals should be predictable for obvious reasons, any other encounter shouldn't be like that (other players)! Also, please leave the whole idea with the classes out... Since WoW everyone wants character classes in every single game! It gets really old, why don't you just build your class with the tools you got in the game? Just like in the mod: If you wanna be a soldier, make yourself one. Equip yourself with a LMG, a Beretta M9, the biggest backpack and the camo clothing... DONE!
  5. First of all: thank you, ruarz for this thread! :] Secondly, I've noticed that you're contructing a new section, "weapon wishlist" and I really want to add, in case that you didn't already thought of it yourself, the VSS Vintorez to the sniperrifles-list because it fits perfectly into the scheme of weapons you mentioned, plus (this is just my view on it) it is really cool looking and it is a short to mid range sniperrifle that has a silencer attached to it! If rocket and his team will implement the VSS into the standalone I'd try, from day one onward, to find it! xD €: Just thought of another "feature": Loot, like magazines, matches, jerry cans, pretty much everything that yields some quantity of another object should spawn with a random number of said objects in it and those objects might also lie on a shelf or something else just by themselves, without the covering magazine for example in very few numbers. It would be a simple feature, yet it would make it alot more realistic plus if you were to find a full magazine, you would value that find way more! This applies mostly to random loot-spots, it should be more likely to find full magazines in military structures, a full box of matches in a supermarket or a hardware-store etc.. :] Cheers, Beck