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Everything posted by alderman

  1. This is very simple from a business legal perspective. I will explain from my current background running a business consulting firm and being a past owner of a GSP company. You payed for a a ArmA2 hosting service which is setup for DayZ. The developers of DayZ which control a database that you are not paying for allow access to servers which comply with their policy. In operating your server you violated that policy which resulted in the server being blacklisted. The issue comes down to fine print with your server host not with the DayZ devs. If your serverhost is smart they have a disclaimer, however the service still can exist, just with no database connection. So also the server company can use the argument that you should have (and you make note that you did know the rules but felt that you had the right since its a arma2 admin feature to kick) known the DayZ server hosting rules. Also they might be able to show that the service they promise does not guarantee a connection to the HIVE server that the server host does not provide or control. Also ArmA2 yes has admin features. If you host a server you can do whatever, just like the DayZ devs who host the database/hive server can do whatever. With DayZ you follow their policy or you get the boot. Same thing with people who come into your servers and don't follow your policy, they get the boot. However in this case your action of booting players resulting in a violation of the DayZ Devs policy which resulted in your boot from the central database. Simple as that. Also why would server admins host/pay for a server? This http://support.dayzm...ayarticle&id=10 However IMHO I believe that this mod could be better suited with an option for those who have control over actual dedicated servers the ability to setup everything locally to their server. If people don't like what admins do then, they just don't play there. It makes servers compete like a free market for players and gives admins the ability to do things (including stupid ones) that they want to do. These kind of immature issues and idea of absolute entitlement would not be so redundant.
  2. alderman

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Why do those who cannot carry out a mutual discussion or debate always resort to name calling and offensive language? So many people on this site are just plain bigots. Now I know that is a big word and some might not actually understand its meaning, so let me articulate it. Bigot - "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion."
  3. alderman

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    This makes complete sense and I agree with this opinion. Again we have the choice not to host and provide the services if we do not agree to the terms. If DayZ offered server owners the ability to host a server which is completely independent from a master HIVE then I would be of the opinion that they can run their servers how they like. After much consideration I believe this is how it should be done, it should all be local per server and that would solve many of the complaints and issues. Servers and how they operate would be on more of a free-market concept like business which would have to compete for players. Players obviously have the choice and would avoid servers where admins are abusive or where they dont like how its running. I strongly believe this would solve more of the current admin abuse since the DayZ devs are not enforcing their own policy to the level I feel they should IMHO.
  4. alderman

    [Forum] Tapatalk!

    IPB has its own mobile skin, as well as a iOS app. However tapitalk might work.
  5. alderman

    Latest beta patch 94876

    Ok folks the 1.61 is NOT a mistake. Pleaes read here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137141-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-94876-(1-61-MP-build) This beta is part of 1.61 series. Do to the recent changes with TBB 4.0 the beta is no longer backwards compat, hince the 1.61 version on it. Basically its an early release via the beta-patches of 1.61 which is probably just around the corner.
  6. alderman

    Arma 2 Beta Patch Mirror

    If doing manual updates instead of Six-Updater. I highly recommend you only get stuff from an official trusted source. No offense to Nigey but veterans of the ArmA community have always said this for good reason. Simple as this, use at your own risk. Cheers
  7. Regardless of your intention or idea it is a major violation not to have battleye enabled and verifiysignatures set to =2
  8. alderman

    Banned for useing side chat La4 admin abuse.

    Not sure why side channel is even going however. This is a major violation on the part of the admin for is unauthorized edits of the mission file to allow sidechat.
  9. alderman

    Banned for logging on o.O

    With this server name are you absolutely sure it was a dayZ server? Also are you actually server it wasnt some auto kick/ban due to mods, versions, etc.? Understand ArmA2 has many mods/server types beyond dayz.
  10. alderman

    LA 7 limiting to two players

    LA 7 is clearly not following the server naming convention. the words Zombie RPG are not part of the naming convention that server owners are required to follow. Servers should be just "DayZ - ..." Also all servers should be running the latest beta and require at least 93865 beta patch from clients. Obviously many server names do not have the beta required in the server name.
  11. alderman

    Items Gone

    The server restart would not fix this. This happened upon the recent updates. Please check the announcement forum board. Again this is an alpha so expect this sort of stuff to happen. It has never been able to be reversed.
  12. alderman

    Chicago 42 Kicking People

    You should check and see who is hosting the server, generally this is at the end of the servername. From there you can generally find a website and see whats going on. Making room is always a possibility (although its not allowed) but I would not rush to assumptions.
  13. alderman

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    US 43 is now updated and is set to required the 98865 beta (aka r76 on SU). Also be advised that those who used SU to update already might still have 98701 (aka r75). Sickboy just pushed the beta update which was a little slow to follow behind the push of the DayZ update.
  14. alderman

    Voice & Text Communication

    Again, for those wondering about communication at a distance.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133891-A-C-R-E-Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment-1-4-Stable-Release-Thread This would be perfect and if a version of this was modified to just have a simple radio that had a short distance (like the PRC343 for those who actually play with ACRE and do more than just dayZ). Clear and more refined direct communication, as well as radios. However it should not be required, just a option for those who want a more immersion experience. ACRE could be allowed it its current form for better direct communication via teamspeak and not be a requirement or affect DayZ since you would not have to add the items and DayZ does not use the "ItemRadio" which ACRE replaces with the PRC343. Thus no problem for those who choose not to run ACRE :)
  15. alderman

    Gamehack #38

    I have had a few Gamehack #38 bans show up in the logs. (Im Admin/Server Host for US43). However the bans were within the last 24 hours, and not during the time indicated by Battleye. Are these new bans legit or were they caused by error?
  16. alderman

    Voice & Text Communication

    Gosh if only we had ACRE with DayZ. At least actually using it and being in Teamspeak could be optional.
  17. alderman

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I have a simple recommendation, these are snippets of the ArmA2 Server Use Policy used by Military Gaming. Obviously a few wording tweaks would be in order, but I think they could serve well for DayZ. Our full list of rules for our servers (not applicable to our hopefully future DayZ server) his here http://www.militarygaming.org/arma2/rules Number 2 I think is a fair one for server owners... its unprofessional and disrespectful to advertise and market on others servers (aka their property so to speak). §1) Mutual Respect & Conduct Abusive, racist, sexist, homophobic comments (or any other type of bigotry), personal attacks and name calling are not allowed. This also includes making statements/comments which attack and/or question the moderators or administrators in regard to their resolutions on the actions of users. §2) Advertising/Recruiting Advertisements of events for gaming units/groups, leagues, or commercial products and services in any situation are not allowed. §3) Squad Avatar's & Images Inappropriate Squad XML images that are sexually, racially, ethnically targeted are prohibited. Any images that clearly violate any policy/rule contained in the rules herein are also prohibited. §4) Spam Messages We deem spam as making a verbal or text communication that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion AND interferes with other players. This means that users shall use the appropriate chat and communication channels (as applicable). §5) Circumventing Bans & Harassment Individuals circumventing any ban/restriction are considered to be engaged in harassment of our organization and/or its members.