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Everything posted by rufmace

  1. A long boring thread arrives. Start with Civilian (non add-on) character clothes. Reduce strain of character server by hosting characters locally and keeping a sort of checksum validation on the character servers to avoid modification. I don't know if that'd work well but it's an idea. You could check the validation of the character when connecting to an officially listed server to avoid modification on private servers. Night time - Just come on. I understand the simulation aspects but when turning up the video settings under-writes this it becomes broken in a game play perspective. Either make night times brighter like before midnight or employ a shorted night time. Look at the server lists - day time servers fill. A 240/480 minute day would make this bearable even if it meant separating the loot and zombie spawning system from time progression. At night time In real life you can see, perhaps adding screen noise and blur will add a more manageable night darkness. There is nothing more irritating than coming home at around 6pm to find all the local servers running night time. Add loot to context menu of inaccessible buildings in some cases, perhaps on doorways. How about a zombie / wound infection system that requires antibiotics? This could recycle features already implemented with temperature, pain and fainting. A low percentile chance of zombie / wound infection dependant on attack severity, blood, temperature, food status. Boil water to purify it, add illness effects to sea water and ground water . Add text to water bottle to indicate it's effects. Raw meet with the same percentage effects to illness. Soviet country needs more soviet weaponry with more chance of the weaponry jamming or breaking and being poorly maintained. I'm sure these ideas have already been said, adding weapon variants such as M4A1[Dirty] or Winchester [Damaged] trade off of reliability for accessing a relatively high tear weapon commonly. There are places in Balota where AK47 Racks don't give out AK47's when there are clearly almost 20 weapons held. I'm sure this model and others within certain buildings could do with a definite percentage for spawning of certain weapons. Disallow movement of weapons and items in backpack that cause errors, like moving large weapons into backpacks. When there isn't room. Make flash-light an equipment slot item or other accessed by F, or fix it so that pistols can be carried off hand easier. Be able to use tents to give yourself medical treatment such as blood transfusions and resting effects. Add bricks to misc items for breaking windows covertly. I won't mention any other items because I'm sure they are all in development anyway. Remove Player Names on hover, Remove Map marker sharing and map markers to indicate players completely from all flavours of the server config. Remove some of the starting gear, place more of the starting gear in the back pack. Randomise some starting equipment, perhaps you could start with different food gear or different medical equipment. This reinforces player interaction, weather it is to shoot or salute. Remove West Coast spawn points, move spawns away from Elektro and Cherno towards the East. (Edit) Add something worth while at the top most warehouse next to the Dam. I was totally expecting a Truck or something worth while but found nothing. A long boring thread has finished. Fantastic Mod though, Loving it! [EDIT: Changed to match suggestions]
  2. rufmace

    1.5.8 Boring Suggestions List

    I agree with you actually, The night time stuff should have some effects in that vain however. If the weapon system isn't to be changed the rack needs removing, it clearly has weapon models on it. But what is the point in flash-lights like that. I do have a G17 but I would not dare trade a pistol for any flash light, even once I'd acquired a decent rifle. Actually, the East cost does make a better spawn - in. You are right it should be that way around, Balota airstrip is much more equipped than the north east airstrip. I suggested to move around the spawning items because it could shift players needing those items from killing everyone to perhaps being more hesitant to gun down people knowing there's a full set. I guess you are right, it doesn't change much but it'd perhaps give another layer of objectives, opposed to being set to deal with any or most situation. Thanks for replying.