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Everything posted by sgtdorian

  1. sgtdorian

    How long can I stay offline?

    Eternity. Charachters no longer lose hunger or thirst while they are offline. Anyways, you couldn't die when this was working, your hunger/thirst meter decrease but It couldn't kill you while offline, so you could log in and eat
  2. sgtdorian

    M203 flares?

    Must be a bug of the mod, I've used a flare weeks ago and it worked perfectly. Also in Arma, they work properly. You just have to throw it right in the sky, so It takes more time until it touches ground level. If that doesn't work... Probably a bug of DayZ
  3. sgtdorian

    Red circle in server browser

    Red circle usually means that you can't enter a server because it is using mods that you haven't or that you have mods that the server doesn't allow. See you ingame
  4. Hi Ryan, You can change the controls so you can change your weapons/climb/interact with things. The mouse wheel does all those things. Anyways, I highly recommend you to buy a mouse, It will improve your ingame experience a lot. See you ingame
  5. sgtdorian

    Noob trying to find guns

    Forget about deer stands, they'll give you good weapons (if you're lucky), but It will make you to explore the map without any kind of gun. What I'd do is finding barns to get a winchester/lee enfield or sneak in cherno or elektro (those cities are full of handguns and basic gear.
  6. sgtdorian


    4-8 shots. 9mm is too weak for insta kills. I'd use it only for killing Zeds, if you want to kill a player with that make sure you are close enough to hit him in chest-head every shot (3-5 shots in chest) so you kill him in only a few shots. If you want a handgun to kill players pick up a M1911 (or a Revolver), but I'd choose the G17 or PDW (asuming that you have a main weapon to deal with players)
  7. sgtdorian

    super stupid arma n00b question - how to chat?

    You can change the chat channels with the keys besides the chat key. In ES keyboards those keys are "," ".". The pity is that the side chat (you can talk to everyone there) has been removed on the last DayZ updates and it is only working in some servers. The problem is that the other chats (direct) doesn't work properly so it's pretty hard to chat to anybody in a server with side chat disabled.
  8. sgtdorian


    This could be doable if this wasn't a sandbox mod mate.
  9. sgtdorian

    Blood regenerating

    I support this as long as the blood regeneration only works during ingame time.
  10. sgtdorian

    need help here pleas.

    +1 More servers, more people, more feedback, more improvements
  11. sgtdorian

    Squad/Group/Party System

    Read again mate. Ingame. Actually, I have a private TS for my friends, but when I find new people to meet with I see the lack of the communication ingame.
  12. This is actually a great suggestion that should be implemented, It will add some realism that ArmA2 haven't reached yet. Anyways, that special mechanich for special ammution types looks hard to be implemented.
  13. This is a great thread, but I think that the map borders shouldn't be locked. A good alternative for what you said is that every vehicle that is left beyond the borders despawn in 1h or something like that. That won't let players to hide their vehicles there.
  14. sgtdorian


    Talking about meelee.
  15. sgtdorian


    Alright, we reached the next achievement. DayZ has become DayCoD. Now I see guys running from corner to corner with a hatchet on his shoulder in Cherno, and not only in Cherno, also in Zeleno or whatever place. They will run to you, no matter if you empty a mag and you kill them, the lag will make them reach you and chop your head off in one fucking hit before they die. Fucking great. /rage off Meelee weapons are meant to be used in desperate situations, when there is no other way, this should be a weapon that kills in two hits, or its RoF it's slower, or whatever. This needs a change pretty soon.
  16. sgtdorian

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    As long as the meelee weapons are underpowered I'll like this new feature. I think tat meelee weapons have to be used only when there isn't other choice. I liked the animals spawn before the patch, honestly It wasn't hard to find food from animal, you just have to look for them. Now, there will be food everywhere.
  17. sgtdorian

    Empty can simulator?

    Honestly, you dont walk in people houses and find winchesters, rifles, handguns. Anyways, you're scavenging, to get inside the Zed situation, you have to assume that other survivors have been scavenging first and the loot will be minimum. Maybe loot is fucked up, but I like this way more, it isnt "run to cherno, pick up an enfield/alice pack - then run to the north" anymore. In my case I've spawned with any weapon, I aggroedmany zombies, run a lot and lost them inside buildings, it was really hard to fin food to survive, finally found a weapon with 1 mag that I lost killing the Zeds who came after me. And you know what? Now, I love it. So you better notice that "Holy shit, this is a fucking zombie apocalypse"
  18. YES That mechanics sounds awesome
  19. sgtdorian

    The game is still capped at 500 view distance?

    I think It's capped at 1000m, which in ArmA it means you won't see more than 700m+- away. Anyways I agree with you guys, I'd put it at 1500-2000m minimum.
  20. Well guys, I have to say that you're right, its weird at short distances. This mod is made just for that, but I also think that this game isn't. Actually, this game have loads of bugs and things like this, but imo taking a look at its features it worths it more than any other.
  21. Yh, irl giving accurate shots at 300+m its way easy. I have to agree with you about its limitations but the strange limitations are limitations of ArmA 2 engine, you get used to them when you get the point of the game.
  22. Also make sure to turn off your CoD/BF/CS player mod. You wont run hopping giving headshots to people, actually, as we are talking about simulators (that is what you guys bought) aiming irl is quite harder than in ArmA