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About mangoe

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    On the Coast
  1. My friend and I were playing on the namalsk server: admin Siirka is very much abusing his admin powers. He abused his admin powers and tracked my friend and I down with a Buzzard then killed us after we spent an entire day looting. Now i know this is his server and I cannot get him global banned or in trouble whatsoever, but i suggest not going on this server. I also want to advertise out to scripters/hackers to go onto this server and screw him up.
  2. i will even set all of my guns down at door of firestation so you can trust me
  3. You can trust me, i sware, i made this profile just to do this, i really need help, i keep on passing out in firestation.i just have akm and 1911, i will not shoot you or double cross you, i sware
  4. I fell off fire station in cherno and broke my legs, being eaten by zombies i made it inside, fixed my legs and bandaged my self, i just need someone to give me a blood transfusion, i have the blood bag, if someone could help me please reply.