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About Sathrek

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Teamspeak will do. Would you mind providing me with the information needed to get onto the Teamspeak server and the DayZ server we will be playing on.
  2. Humanity(Bandit, Hero, Survivor Would prefer Hero): A survivor. (Murderd a day ago while being a hero) Do you have a mic and is your voice mature?: I'm mature when needed and my voice isn't like the little 11 year old voices, I'm 17 years old. I've got a mic which works fine. Would you rather have Team speak or Skype or Steam chats: For me Skype is the main thing I use. Steam chats I don't really like and Teamspeak I don't mind. So I wouldn't mind using Skype or Teamspeak. Are you willing to work with me so I may become better: I'm willing to help you out so you will learn the basic things to survive in DayZ for a nice amount of time. I can also provide you with some gear which can become rather usefull. Just PM me if you wish to know my Skype and/or for more information about me. Take care ^_^