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Everything posted by hgvaughan

  1. hgvaughan

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    In-game name: Huntergv Age: 17 Country: US (Florida) What time you are mostly on: ~6:00pm until 11:00pm EST weekdays but often earlier, fairly consistently, though some Fridays I arrive home at ~8:00pm EST after presenting national colors at my local high school football game. Depends on JROTC responsibilites. Weekends are usually free and I'm on most of both days, morning to late night. Why you are searching for a group/clan: I would like to be involved in a bandit clan with a few members always present, based on the East Coast servers so I have good ping, and enjoy some high level PvP. When I get tents, they are pretty wasted right now. Skype: dominantsshunter (Huntergv) Experience: a few months. Can't wait for Arma 3 and the standalone. Thanks for your time, Hunter