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Everything posted by TheyCallMeDash

  1. Your bio says "Likes smoking Marijuana" you're one of those idiots with "Swag" right?
  2. Good evening, this is the perfect topic for people like me, I don't have a team because I am normally referred to as a 'Squeaker' and it is hard to find a team, but I hope this post helps me out, anyway, if there are any younger community players that would like to play some DayZ together sometime my skype name is "Draagonclaw" with two a's. Have fun!
  3. TheyCallMeDash

    Looking for a partner

    Hello fellow survivors, I am in need of a partner, just add me on Skype and I will respond as soon as possible Skype: DayZ Dash
  4. TheyCallMeDash

    Partner Anybody?

    I happened to add you on Skype, DayZ Dash is my name.