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Dimedius (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dimedius (DayZ)

  1. Hi guys, tried searching but found nothing. I have created a trading post of sorts. Initially I am thinking about some self defense for the area with some mounted machine guns to "watch" the entrance. The problem I am having is that it is killing anyone instantly when trying to enter these vehicle types. Is there a way to code it or add a script that would make it so they don't kill people trying to man them?
  2. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Static Tripod Weapon Emplacement

    I have built a trade post of sorts with the 3d editor and imported (merged) everything into the mission file for my server. I have some M2static machine gun (classnames) to be used for guarding the entrance. The issue I am having is that whenever someone tries to use one (i.e. he is going from looking at it to using it) the moment he is considered to be using the M2 machine gun (not even pressing the trigger or firing the weapon but just being "in" it). It's a little confusing I know but basically anyone who tries to use it is instantly killed. [uPDT] "Decided" to look at the rpt (gawd, need to look there first) it was killing me because it thought I was hacking. Added an exception to the script and voila working M2 machine guns.
  3. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Random Fresh Spawn Skin

    As the title states, I am looking either for the answer (since google, tunngle and other sources have been unable to answer my question) or the most correct direction into finding out how to make fresh spawn survivor models change at every new life. The system would work identically to the way that Lingor has it setup (the creepy looking guy, the blonde mustachio guy etc). There has got to be a way to set this up without having to assign it to players through the DB (<--this I can get to work). Yes I have unbanned classnames from anim. Yes I have added newSurvivorSkin# = "newSurvivorSkin#" to server pbo, mission init.sqf at the same time, one at a time and still does not have the desired effect. I would greatly appreciate any feedback to get this rolling, and thanks in advance :)
  4. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Random Fresh Spawn Skin

    Giving myself a little bump here in hopes someone can offer an answer of some kind.
  5. Is there any possibilities with your project to somehow incorporate better sounding everything in the mod (I personally use a mix of JSRS and RWS sound mods for my private hive) and possibly better smoke/smoke grenade effects similar to those in the blastcore visual mod?
  6. I've seen a couple times where people have suggested using a night light mod that makes the whole city light up. If you get the urge to add little lights, something like whats shown in this video might be ok (maybe with flickering lights).
  7. I like the idea of some street lights being on but I think this represents too many lights on. This would remind me that the outbreak happened in the last couple of days maybe weeks when I really get the impression the game's era would be more like a year or two aftermath. I think less light and if there is a possibility of changing the lighting so its not pitch black dark (candles dimly lighting houses, (if flickering light is possible) put one or two in grocery stores/apartments that kinda thing. I like the idea that rocket wanted to reproduce fear with total pitch black but the lighting in the video alleviates alot of that. So maybe a median between the video and pitch blackness we have now :)
  8. Hows this for an idea to use hatchets vs the undead: instead of it taking up your primary, is there a way to use your script magic to make your pistol go into that "secondary" invisible slot (like your video shows for primary)? This could still show the primary on your back and for rp'ing purpose this invisible slot would be the thigh holster your pistol is stored in. I know theres a lot involved because the hatchet is modeled after a primary weapon but I have no idea how much customization you have allowed at your fingertips. Maybe calling the config file for the hatchet to be used in secondary (pistol) slot but still retain its damage numbers and animations? You could then still limit no primaries in backpacks and still retain stealth axe kills...what do you think?
  9. I have been playing on a veteran server (the same one) for over a week. In that time my buddies and I have been having fun finding vehicles and messing killing those trying to take our lootz. Today, when I logged into our normal server I find out that it still says veteran in the title but the server has actually been changed to regular. The last time I tried out a regular server (I had been trying to join any server when 1.7.2 first launched and just wanted to play), my buddies got killed and I lucked out. This time (our normal server changed its difficulty within hours of us finding a bunch of nice vechicles). This then lead to our teams (3 seperate teams going to 3 different objectives) got wiped out within minutes of each other. Upon respawn, we discover that our vehicles are gone (the really nice ones) and the rest destroyed. So my question is, is it possible for an admin to use regular settings to his/her advantage? Or merely a coincidence? I smell a cheater but since I don't have hard proof it's all chalked up to speculation. Not accusing anyone but I think it's coincendental on how events played out so quickly, especially it being changed to regular server (2nd time playing on veteran, think i learned muh lesson to never touch one again lol).
  10. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Possible cheat or admin abuse?

    Lesson learned...get the hell out of dodge when regular is around lol.
  11. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Possible cheat or admin abuse?

    Right, just wondering what powers an admin has over these servers or something about regular servers that makes it easier to track people (I see myself, buddies and vehicles on the map and just wondered if there was a way people were exploiting that). Just seemed kind of fishy to me you know? Been able to hold our own ground against people who had silenced weapons/NVG's (thanks again for the good loots, bandits!) and then on a day where the server changes its type and everything gone (yes I've already learned to not become too attached to thing lol) in a short time (from the time we died and ran back to camp about 30-45 mins)... All coincidental I'm sure, just really reaching out to the community to see if anyone out there has a lot of knowledge on this kind of thing happening before. Thanks for the info though :) Update: found more camp sites to resupply lost loots already :P
  12. Haha love it! As far as the whole steady breathing affecting snipers (yes I know there was general mentioning of players as a whole) this appears to be a fix centered around snipers. From my experience (and it's just that) most snipers are evil and they're aim would always be flawless.
  13. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    This is in regards to the darkness thing. I feel that it's a good element to add to that "suspense". But if you're planning on doing that please take out the NVG's (night vision goggles). Not because they're OP or anything like that, it's more of game design choices. For example, don't say "we want this creepy scared to move atmosphere" but then have people be able to move through the dark with an incredible upper hand. Want people to be scare of the dark? Use light sources? Keep it that way.
  14. Dimedius (DayZ)

    So how did the zombies happen?

    You see, when one zombie loves another zombie...
  15. NO It's not needed. You should always be taking a chance when dealing with others survivors. Heartbeats will just make people think "oh he killed someone better kill him before he gets me". At first I was going to say yes but then I thought about all my encounters with the unknown survivor(s). My adrenaline pumped as I watched from a decent ways away observing their behavior. "Do I kill this guy? Is he alone? He doesn't know I'm here so I'll watch blah blah". Maybe an alternative would be they are "cold blooded" killers right? why not make their temp drop quicker than other people. They would have to stock up on heat packs and stay indoors (when raining) or make campfires to maintain a survivable temp. Sorry this ran on for so long but thats my 2 cents.
  16. YES I like the vulnerability this creates (hopefully more cautious play will take place). Also, I have 5 different rifles/shotties/pistols at home sir! So you should make my character carry that many ;P
  17. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    This is important because the zeds could see you through walls (and attack through walls as well). Now that this has been "fixed" added gameplay elements such as eluding can take place. So both are important it's just appears to be that with one fixed, more elements can be added.
  18. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Question regarding UAZ and general vehicle repairs

    I'd like to add a question of my own. Got a hold on a car and after a no response for x seconds logged out and right back in. The car was near a tree before this incident and touching the tree afterwards. The passenger side wheel is gone and some of the windows are busted out. Now reading, I should be able to mouse scroll to repair but unfortunately I don't have that option. Is this a bug or what am I missing? I have the required gear to fix it.
  19. Dimedius (DayZ)

    Official disconnect thread

    It's not always the players fault. I've experienced people dc'ing on me when I almost kill them. I don't dc when in a poop storm but I was in a firefight fairly recently and got knocked down. I was thinking well this is it only to have the server kick me (dc me). Fortunately for me I stayed alive. Like some others have said, we don't know the circumstance but before we start waving ban hammers at everyone, we need to look at alternative ways to cut down on intentional dc's.