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Everything posted by AngryJonny

  1. Name: AngryJonny Location: UK Email: [email protected] GUID: 0c5bf51b058ef404dbe6b05a34926432
  2. Hi there, Was hoping someone could clarify something for me. Does a server updgrading to Beta patch 1.62 and above lose all vehicle locations? The reason I am asking as there was some fishy activity regarding server restarts shortly after I raided a base and took some vehicles. The server restarted several times about 10 minutes after they were taken. Thankfully I had already saved the one I had taken at the my stash point. However, I returned and took a second vehicle, which I then used to find a third in a completely different part of the map. My team-mates and I used these to drive around looking for choppers (i'm not a huge fan of vehicle hoarders, I say use em or lose em!!). Whilst parking up vehicle 2 and 3 for the night, the server went down (again) for quite some time. When it came back up it was using the new beta patch 1.62. However, upon spawning both vehicle 2 and 3 were gone. It just seemed terribly fishy to me. Does any know if upgrading wipes this data? There are allegations before against this server about them intentially restarting in order to get gear/vehicles back. Thanks in advance. TL:DR - Does 1.62 wipe vehicle data?
  3. Hi there. I have been playing for DayZ for a while now and have over 220 hours logged. Some time ago I decided to start chronicling my adventures through screenshots. Eventually I hit a point where I had one screenshot for every hour I had played and decided to make a video. This video basically displays my entire life in DayZ. Some of the screens I took were taken at some absolutely idiotic times when I probably should have been shooting instead of hitting F12 but those are the screens I wouldnt trade for the world. Anyway, please enjoy/share/comment.
  4. AngryJonny

    [video] Welcome to Hell - A DayZ Story

    Best place to find camo is any residential structure. Houses, lodges etc. Thanks for watching the vid.
  5. AngryJonny

    Day Z Videos

    Just a wee video I made to commemorate my time with DayZ.
  6. AngryJonny

    Beta 1.62 wiping vehicle locations?

    Vehicle 2 has been parked and saved for a good 10 minutes before the server went down. it just totally reeks if you ask me. I asked the server admin what the deal with the restarts was. Met with a wall of silence.
  7. AngryJonny

    Experimental test patch

    HOW TO GET YOUR BETA PATCH WORKING IN STEAM WITH OR WITHOUT SIX UPDATER: All of your Beta files are stored in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta When you run Operation Arrowhead from steam it runs the executable in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oa.exe So, in order to run the beta from steam, you need to copy the arma2oa.exe from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta into: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead You then need to tell steam where to load the files for that .exe from, so in your launch options for operation arrowhead in steam you need to add the following line: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion Now, when you run the game from steam, it will load whatever the beta patch you have installed. Please note that each time you download a new beta patch you need to copy the .exe over from the beta folder.
  8. Is this how they carried out the DDOS attak today? Viewing this page 50'000 times?
  9. I love these threads about the broken legs and morphine that are clearly written by people who havent had 4 team members with broken legs on the west end of the map (no hospitals) and no morphine.
  10. I really hope this is true. I searched for vehicles for 4 hours the other day. I covered some major ground. Nothing. I am convinced that they are being stored off the map. They also need to sort the fact that their location is trackable through server files. I'm am absolutely positive I got burned by server admins cheating and getting the location.
  11. AngryJonny

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Good stuff rocket. The alpha has come a long way in the last few updates. Current wishlist of tweaks and fixes - Hatchets and Watches far too common. - Morphine not common enough. - Leg breaking too common. - Zombies running/attacking through walls still occurring. - Zombies do not consider the Z-axis when listening/looking (they can hear/see survivors who are several stories up in a building because they are next to them, even though the survivor is in fact quite high up and at a reasonable distance) - Tents are still pretty touchy about where you place them, although they are a LOT better. - Zombies respawn too quick. - Zombies spawn too close sometimes (especially a pain due to their now heightened senses). - Items tend to dissapear when forced out of a bag. - You cannot physically open your bag unless you are looking at loot or some other storage unit. It merely displays the contents in the list. This is annoying if you need to know how much space is there. - For larger items can we have some sort of display to indicate how many slots they take before we pick them up? - Jerry cans, toolboxes, camping tents etc. cannot be placed directly into your bag. You need to pick them up first and then move them. Totally inconvenient. P.s. I love someones idea to place your primary weapon on your toolbelt rather than your backpack when using melee weapons.
  12. AngryJonny

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Rocket, Please ignore those saying the hatchet is OP. This is a totally ignorant statement made by people who are not playing this game to its fullest and examining all of its potential scenarios. By using the hatchet do you become proficient at killing zombies? Yes! Do you become proficient at shooting that guy who just emerged from a bush in front of you? No! It's become a beautiful game of Rock, Paper Scissor now. Axe wielder kills zombie. ZombieS (the key being plural here, since the noise of a gun will bring a horde, which is when zombies are at their deadliest) kills gun wielder. Gun wielder kills axe wielder. You have to make a decision about whether to have a melee or a primary weapon. I am blissfully aware that as I chop zombies down with my axe that I will be totally outclassed by anyone with a semi-decent primary weapon and a half-decent aim. Its a gameplay choice. Axes are fantastic in their current form for clearing small towns. But you'd need to be an idiot to use one in a hot zone.
  13. AngryJonny

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Zeds is slang for zombie. DayZ = zombie survival mod. Rocket refers to 28 days later in his explanation for his use of 'fast' zombies linked earlier in the post. However, many nitpickers know that they were "infected" and not "zombies". Please Rocket, in future, refer to Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead to stop the infected v zombie arguement. Its the only film which presents fast zombies which are essentially the same as the infected in 28 days apart from their method in inception. As for the patch, please Rocket, in a group of 4 people we had 10 morphine injectors (from a hospital run). Within 3 hours we had used them all and still had two party members with broken legs. Morphine rarely spawns outside of hospitals. Which are VERY unevenly distributed through the map. Leg breaks are FAR too common and they essentially make melee a non-option. The melee weapons are excellent. We were operating a group of two axe wielders and two snipers. The two axe wielders were sweeping out the zombies and the snipers were following behind keeping an eye out for players. It was beautiful teamwork, as we needed them for PvP, and they needed us for PvZ. The main drawback? The axe wielders both persistently broke their legs, ran out of morphine and had to crawl two kilometres back to the nearest town in order to search for morphine, which ofcourse is so rare it was pointless. Solutions? Increase morphine spawn rate in houses/supermarkets. OR Decrease leg break common-ness (yes please) OR Make leg breaks dissapear when you return to full health or after a specified time period. Alternatively, make tents a sort of "resting area" where you can return to them in order to "rest" and cure your ailments.
  14. AngryJonny

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My thoughts so far? Good build, however the main problems seem to be balance issues (which I know you have no interest in Rocket). What I mean is, I have hatchets coming out of my ears but spent several hours without seeing a tent, or a wheel, or a jerry can, or any sort of backpack. I dont think its as drastic as it was before (I did see SOME vehicle components) but the over-eagerness to ensure everyone can find an axe means that its absolutely overbearing all the other loot. Sure its nice because youll be able to find one easily, but once you have it you cant help but feel thats its prominence is preventing you from getting some other, rarer and more useful gear. Also, flies around bodies that have dissapeared is still occurring. Still issues with the bags, loot disspearing when you try and move it out of your back, or force other loot in etc.
  15. AngryJonny

    Super excited for!

    I'm looking forward to the tone mapping. BIS went overkill on the brightness and contrast in the BETA patch. Night is just black now. You literally cannot play on a server if you spawn at night without torch/flares/chemlights/NVG. You should be able to play, but it should be difficult. It is actually impossible in its current form.
  16. How about Rocket ignores this post and fixes things that actually matter like zombies coming through walls and items dissapearing when you move them etc? I dont think Rocket really cares about balance right now, and good on him.
  17. AngryJonny

    WTF agro bat man

    It's part of a design to make the zombies more dangerous, since this is a ZOMBie survival game after all. So you crouch where you used to walk, and crawl where you used to crouch. No big deal. I think Rocket is wary of his game becoming ArmaII:Deathmatch.
  18. AngryJonny

    Holy shit! Everyone has gone insane

    So, you ran to the biggest town in the game, without a gun, and are now complaining because you got shot? Pro tip dude, Chernogorsk and Electro and deathmatch cities irrespective of spawning gear. You'd have to be a royal idiot to go there without a gun in the first place.
  19. Game? What game are you playing? I am playing an alpha test. Can you please tell me where to download this 'Game'? P.s. your comment annoyed me so much I created an account to tell you this.
  20. AngryJonny

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Theres database issues ongoing dude, as explained in the thread. They might be contributing to the low FPS.
  21. There is already an incentive to stay alive. The longer you stay alive the better the gear you get. Why give day 10 players an advantage over a day 1 player? If they have been playing for ten days they should be armed to the teeth anyway. Why widen the gulf? I thorougly enjoy the fact that if you outsmart someone then you can kill them. Is it realistic to plug 30 bullets into a guy and he doesnt die??? I got into a 2v2 firefight earlier today. My winchester and my buddies AK versus two AK's. On paper we should lose, but I was the only one of the four to use cover, and fire all my shots whilst leaning out from behind a tree. End result? We win. Why? Because I engaged my brain. Not because I was alive for 10 days.
  22. AngryJonny

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Its not fixed yet Jimmy. It will be fixed within the hour rocket said. Please read the threads you are posting in.
  23. AngryJonny

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Dude, you are incredible. DayZ is gonna be huge (even more than it is now) and it's all gonna be down to you and your hard work. Well done man. Thanks for this.
  24. AngryJonny

    the walk into nothing

    Its off the map. I too wandered into this area. Did you cross a big brown line on the ground? This indicates the end of the map. Tried to respawn and kept spawning in the empty area. You just gotta run away from the see. Took me about 15 minutes but I got back onto the map. Its not worth uninstalling over.