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NoyZ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by NoyZ (DayZ)

  1. I seen this on my clans private server yesterday. I thought I had an invisible hacker with satchels.
  2. NoyZ (DayZ)

    What the hell is going on with hackers?

    Hackers are dealt with quickly and severely on our server. It is not a PvE only server though. ;) PS. I think hackers AND their parents need to be sodomized by a Commodore 64 keyboard with salt and broken glass for lube.
  3. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Do you guys not get that the fight is lost? This is just a reminder but the poll says it goes. It was taken out BEFORE the poll and it STILL got shut the frack down. Be happy with the same stuff everyone else has. NO MORE OP SCOPE FOR YOU!!! You're doin it wrong as I have found and shot a few ghillied players at night. With that thought I think the L85 has degraded your skills. :)
  4. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    That is where you error. You make a jump from a to c in trying prove your point. The fact is M4 and AKs are MUCH better balanced in the game compared to those two and then you go on to add ridiculous stuff to try to reinforce (what you believe yourself, if not subconsciously) a losing argument. You speak as someone who is afraid to lose the OBVIOUS advantages these guns have. Ever heard the phrase . . . "Thou doust protest too much"?=relevant. :) L85 issue has been dealt with. If anyone feels the need to discuss the ASshat50 and the M1o7er issue, they should prolly make another thread. ;)
  5. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    If you missed the fact that my post OBVIOUSLY only relates to duping (as it relates to the L85), then that tells me you really don't have a leg left to stand on and you are picking at side points because you have lost on the main point. :lol: PROTIP: You went wrong by not fully comprehending this statement . . .and I quote . . . " . . . or how is a non-duped 1 any less OP than a duped 1?" Think on that for a moment and I believe you'll understand my main point on duping (once again for clarification: as it relates to the L85) Anything else? :P
  6. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Celle G36c

    I loved 'em both when VOIDs server was rmod. The G36C SD holo version was my fav.
  7. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    AS50/M107's are for sucky snipers that normally can't get it done in 1 shot. ;)
  8. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    lol nope. I get what your talking about. I'm talking about what really matters. As far as the duping thing, YOU are missing the point by about 5000m. It doesn't matter at all if they are duped and copied. Duping doesn't change a damned thing. . . . . or how is a non-duped 1 any less OP than a duped 1? Rarity DOES NOT change the given properties of a weapon. If anything I think they should be free to be duped. I would rather everyone have them than a select few who need them. ;) Your points are not as important as mine when you read the topic of this thread. I believe I have covered my points better and need not say anything more about it. Everyone on the losing end of this argument needs to move on. You'll be happier for it. :)
  9. Please don't tell me you're the same Se7en from DF? lol Most here already know that private means private. They can do what they want and there isn't a DAMNED thing anyone can do about it. Public hives are bound by rules and should follow them and need to be reported when they are not. Reporting private hives wastes everyone time and forum space. These threads never last long enough to do much good. Wrong section as well.
  10. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    Hell to the phuck YES!! Much thanks to all involved with this!!
  11. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    It's funny right? A few of the whiners are saying how it sucks as a weapon and they only use it as a spotter. What then would be the difference between the gun and the hand-held? The hand-held version would take up much less space making it EVEN MORE op. LMAO!! Not EVEN going to happen. I just can't believe how some players will try to rationalize ANYTHING to get what they want. @Azrail The mods and/or devs feel different. It was taken out BEFORE this pole. I think it was a nice courtesy they did for us but it only reflected what ALREADY happened. I'll side with them on this. mmmmk? This thread was about leaving or taking the L85 out of the game. Another thread to stand on its own should have been made about the other subject. I didn't agree with it being discussed here. I take it you disagree and thats fine. :lol:
  12. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    What does that have to do with anything? It doesn't exist in the game. The thermal that we are talking about IS on a gun and got shit :emptycan: 'd. As soon as there is a thermal rangefinder ( LOLOL) in the game, we could start another pole and see where it ends. Go to suggestions and start a thread and see where it goes. Maybe it will catch enough of the right attention and get added. My money is on 'Hell to the NO!!'.
  13. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    ??? Read the first sentence again . . . . . . . . . . carefully this time. ;) If that was at the post above mine then disregard this post.
  14. NoyZ (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I really do have to LOL over the whiners wanting it to stay. A head shot from a revolver kills just like an AS50 to the toe does. There is a certain amount of balance there. Thermal compared to no thermal is a HUGE advantage and there are some that just don't have the confidence in their skills without it or it wouldn't be this big a deal for them. They are pooping purple popsicles now that they are gone. HAHAHAHHAA At all the private hives keeping them, I wish your servers forever empty. They are welcome to come to our fair server. Poll is biased? WOOOOW talk about straight up butthurt. I don't want to hear ANYTHING about how an apocalypse isn't supposed to be fair, either. Vid games need balance for starters and enders. Talk to me about realism when I can't sprint forever and carry 4 33" ural tires or 2 AS50s in my backpack. I am literally tingling from the fact that enough fair minded players voted the correct way on this. Proves there are more fair minded people here than not. It is encouraging. DayZ till the end of Days :)
  15. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Go Home DayZ, You're Drunk.

    I giggled.
  16. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Day 145

    I think most here (not all) knocking it are because they are a little jelly. ;) If that's the type of play you like and have avoided bandits that long, more power to you. Beats the hell out of someone complaining about bambits. Bambits? The new term for a noob bandit. LOL!! This guy has found an entertaining way to play the game and has done it well. Till you all do it I wouldn't knock it so fast. I admit I would be bored to tears playing like that but any type of game play that doesn't break rules or encourages bitching in the forums is a good thing. Tis a sandbox after all
  17. NoyZ (DayZ)

    What made you a bandit?

    Someone who won't fight back and always runs away and/or wants PvP taken out of DayZ. I became a bandit because you can only stack loot so high before it becomes pointless. I've looted tons of EVERYTHING in the game but Mountain Dews (have found 2). It is most definitely a rush to formulate a plan and execute it with a happy ending or react fast enough when surprised and get the kill anyways.
  18. NoyZ (DayZ)

    New players guide from Bandit point of view

    I'm a bandit as well. My favorite kill is chasing someone down with an axe/crowbar when they have a gun. Up close most dont know how to deal with a strafing ass axe murderer. A friend and I got chased by a guy who had an axe and he was playing Jackfrags "DayZ Maybe" through direct com. We had about 25 zeds around us thanks to my friends DMR. It was amazing and creepy as hell!! I didn't know at that time that an axer was so hard to kill up close without a 2 shot kill weapon. Been doin it myself ever since when the opportunity arises. Look out for anyone called Lizzy Borden. = )) I read most of the OP. 4AM here so please excuse me if I missed some stuff. I run upright all the time and I think I've only got killed once because of it. I was a lot more nub then. It can be done you just need to be aware of whats around you. This may have been said too but I turn everything down but the in-game sounds (my clan uses teamspeak). Then I turn them way up. Makes tip-toes easier to hear.
  19. LOL!! How did he miss point-blank while you were both prone?!? Nothing more entertaining than a noob bandit.
  20. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Whats so entertaining about this mod?

    Actions will always speak louder than any words. I'm in the game everyday. = )) We can't begin to talk real 'realism' when I can sprint forever and carry 4 Ural tires or 2 AS50's in my backpack. @Dankine. Agreed!! It is the over-coming of an obstacle and/or the accomplishment of a goal that increases confidence. Confidence is VERY important in getting something done. Women love a confident man. Learning to not give up, whether IRL or on a video game will affect your decision making process for the better.
  21. NoyZ (DayZ)

    I keep getting Script Restriction #86

    I kept getting the #45 restriction after getting a bandit skin. I reinstalled ARMA and DayZ in DayZ Commander and fixed it. It's worth a try. The new Battle Eye update has issues I believe.
  22. NoyZ (DayZ)

    bandits... I love killing them!

    LOL Really? Where EXACTLY does that 'ARMA sounding' happen? High-lite it please . . . .Don't tell me (just because I've looted EVERYTHING in the game 5-100Xs over, 'cept Mountain Dew, only 2 of those, and love to PvP) that I'm making DayZ out to be ARMA or COD. PvP is THE MAIN element of DayZ and I'm contributing to that. :) I am all for the SA introducing things to slow down banditry. Disease, environmental, broken hands and so forth. Looking forward to it. Hopefully it will curb some of the constant whining about Bambies getting slaughtered--but make no mistake. There will ALWAYS be bandits coming for your :beans: . EDIT: I do want to give a shout-out to Slenderman. Whooped me pretty good twice yesterday. Thanks for the lessons mate!!
  23. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Making Enemies - Part 1

    and that's why I'll have you . . . . :D
  24. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Whats so entertaining about this mod?

    @thodouras Why is it that you start to compare real life with a video game? Real life risk and video game risk WILL NEVER be the same. How can you bring up dictators when I'm talking about balls to risk pixels in vid game? @Bongofish How many zombie apocalypses have you been through? Random murders not being realistic? How about that guy who was sniping people in cars for NO REASON? Zodiac killer any one? There are MANY instances of random murders happening. Ask any cop from Philily, NY or LA. Granted they do not happen often but realistic? NO DOUBT they are. 2 men working together efficiently can easily do the work of 3 separate men. #s only matter after a certain point. Think of the Spartans and the Hot Gates. ;)