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NoyZ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by NoyZ (DayZ)

  1. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Make more guns!

    1911, M16A2 and M24 is all we need. I say get rid of everything else. . . .cept maybe the glorious Makarov. :P
  2. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Looking for experienced pvp'ers

    Why is that? What could that possibly have to do with anything? You gona hate people in the SA that play the same way? If that comment is purely about KoS players then that's what I mean about bambi tears. :D I've killed 3 unarmed since playing this game. The first on purpose and afterwards I had to take a long shower I felt so dirty. The next 2 surprised me and instinct took over before I could see they didn't have a weapon. If you have a weapon you are fair game. At least I'll NEVER pretend to be your friend just so I get a pathetic kill. That shit makes me sick. I'll say in game up front I come to murder you. Deal with it. Don't like PvP, go play a non-PvP private hive server. But be warned, I have bandit skins on some of those too. re he he The higher you pile your loot the better selection I'm going to have. Food for thought. Official bambi song -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiFR4JPIBPI
  3. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Looking for experienced pvp'ers

    I'm A. Murdering Bastard. Bambi tears are my favorite. I already belong to a PvP clan though. Check sig. Ur welcome anytime. = ))
  4. NoyZ (DayZ)

    "Su casa es mi casa"

    Don't make me pull out the dreaded verbulator. . . . cause I will. :P
  5. I have bandit skin on 3 different NO PvP servers. I R undercover bandit. MWHAA hA HAHah HAa ha hah aH hah Ah
  6. I KOS with an axe. and yes I will catch you. I've never failed in catching someone. I get killed sometimes but I still catch ya. :D @OP I'm same. Last I seen my humanity on my public server dude was 51K+. I'm 3rd make that 6th make that back to 3rd =)) today on a PvP UTES server. http://www.dayzgaming.com/stats Frndly till I get weapon. ;)
  7. NoyZ (DayZ)

    New Server Needs Bambi's And Bandits Alike

    PROTIP: DayZ Commander search doesn't always work as it should. Always post your IP too. Makes it really easy to find. ;) And hope is all you'll get besides a tasty side of hatchet!! :)
  8. >.> <.< >.> <.< *pulls out hatchet slowly*
  9. Oops mis read your post. Sorry. :blush:
  10. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Remove Kamenka As Respawn Point

    Absolutely not.
  11. I can haz bacon too please?!?
  12. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Bandits Needed.

    Well . . . .I just killed two clan members on this server and got told I'll start hacking soon even though it has extra anti-cheat. I don't know if they were admins or what but he said "hacking US". LMAO!!! Why would I hack (I would die first before becoming that pathetic of a human being) when I can kill 'em completely legit? Bandit skin in 30 minutes of play. Them clan members were sooooo butt hurt they had to bring my mom into it. You know you've own'd someone hard and bruised their ego when they bring your mom into thier insecurities. LMMFAO!!!! If they are not apart of your server admins MehC8, I'd tell them to stop that shit and if they are, have fun with a nearly empty server before long if it continues. Just speaking from experience. Non-hackers/scripter don't like being told they are going to hack. Get thier butt hurt under control please.
  13. Walking Dead got away with killing a child zombie. Head shot even. Wasn't that big a deal. EDIT: That was before the shooting I guess. and yes. PLEASE NO BUNNY HOPPING!!!!
  14. and I think I like it!! Also gotta love the idiots that try to blame something other than the peice of shit that did the deeds. By that rational every single criminal that's seen a TV could blame CSI-Miaimi (list goes on and on and on and on . . . )for their behavior. As a matter of fact, lets just blame everything and anything an individual does against the law on something else. Just like the backward, idiotic thinking that says it's the guns fault and not the idiot using it. Vehicular man slaughter . . . ."It was the cars fault. I'm not to blame." People lobby to get rid of cars. "Every word I've ever misspelled I can blame on my pencil/keyboard." Grammar Nazis can fuck off now. People lobby to have pens and pencils regulated.
  15. Have you got good equipment? If yes, then I'll roll with ya. *licks lips and shifts eyes*
  16. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Zombie damage increase

    Doesn't make to much differnceto those that can consistantly head shot but it is a move for the better fo sho. I do however love the construction additions!!
  17. NoyZ (DayZ)

    To a guy named fluffy kitty

    Only thing I'd feel killing someone named fluffy kitty is the recoil.
  18. NoyZ (DayZ)

    DayZ Commnuity Challenges - Evidence required

    Should be really easy then huh?
  19. NoyZ (DayZ)

    DayZ Commnuity Challenges - Evidence required

    Do a loop da loop with a huey starting from 200m. How low can you go? = )) Shoot the pilot out of a bi-plane that's flying upside down. note: you may only find that on our server. ; )) Win a UH-1H duel.
  20. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Bandits Needed.

    Protip: add your IP to the OP. My search in DayZ commander doesn't always work right. IP always works. :)
  21. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Modded Dayz is dull because..

    Anything that can move you at 8-9X running speed is not worthless. :lol:
  22. Throw up your IP so I can C/P to my friendly list ASAP. TY! I love a good PvP server. = ))
  23. Not with the .73 update. G36 SD took a while to kill him and a couple of hits hurt like frack. Much better than before. I took a APSI off an admin so I'm good on EVR's. B)
  24. NoyZ (DayZ)

    Banned US 1031

    I really do hope you guys can figure it out. You are welcome back to our server anytime if this gets fixed. If there's anything further we can do to help resolve this short of asking to have it removed with no fix to the problem, please PM Sihte or I. Thank you and have a Happy Holidays!!