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Everything posted by muttasone

  1. New clan named entropy We need.... Qualified snipers (Will need to be proven) Spotter (Must be able to find range fast, One for every sniper) Looters (Must be good at loot cycling) Drivers (Drive the looters and wait for them to be done or be there for a get away) Searchers (Good at finding camps) Power houses (Good shot and likes to make things go boom) If you cannot prove yourself as a good sniper you will need to be taught by one of the snipers. Looters get whatever gun they want except a sniper, bad snipers (Cz 550) will be given to apprentices And the rest go to the Our qualified snipers. Looters will also get the best backpacks. Drivers will use the fastest car they can get for the situation (Either hatchback for roads or if its a camp a Uaz or something similar) Searchers may use a heli AS LONG AS THEY CAN FUCKING FLY IT if you cant fly for shit get one of us to fly you Snipers are required to have a spotter unless given permission. Snipers are used for scouting and raiding Power houses are used for raiding anything camps towns forts. If loot is found on your own you may keep it in YOUR OWN CAMP(Unless its a sniper) where we will not be responsible for it this can be 30 feet away from the clans camp or across the map... I couldnt give to shits. I hope you will join just say what you want to be your timezone when you can be on and what you would like to be (Snipers must be proven) (Drivers will be taught the little I know and must have some exsperiance not crashing into shit)
  2. muttasone

    New clan seeking members (Entropy)

    I play a chernorus server maybe utes every once in awhile. Thats pretty much it
  3. muttasone

    New clan seeking members (Entropy)

    The server of a clan I used to be in called RWD
  4. muttasone

    Rouge Mission Only

    Created for if we ever make a server. Currently we are a serverless clan floating on the brink of other clans. Im not gonna bullshit you we might not make it big but we can damn near try. I have always wanted to have a server devoted to something new, Civilization. First we would make a private hive server, Turn off zombie spawns in a city then set laws and have guards posted around. As of now this is a small chance but we can conquer a server until that happends. So I will leave it to you join and we can have some fun doing whatever the clan votes on a server or you can move on.
  5. Large tents: Tents you can find rarely they are as large as one of those cover things you set up on the beach for shade. You can store guns on racks or wood piles to have easy access to fire. Or maybe just as decoration to say you have a home you could put a chest in there. Shacks: Similar to large tents except you can make them by yourself with nails and such they wont look good but they serve their purpose Colonization: Would like this on the map Cherno plus since there would be more buildings open, So you could do multiple steps to remove zombies from a town and it would not be easy like setting a large wall around the area and shooting as much zombies as there would spawn. That way you could get locks to lock some of the houses this way DayZ could be like no other game like DayZ before you could make use of the wasteland you live in and turn it back into a society Locks: Find mechanizms in a pub or supermarket or something Chests: Find them or make them through lumber and scrap metal find a lock and lock your stuff in it
  6. Its not like Plank Plank plank Plank plank Plank = Aircraft carrier it would be with in the power of anyone that currently lives on this earth to make a crappy shed the size of a tent and it would be a multiple step process
  7. I resently wanted to start a themed one like a martial law thing the clan who leads the server makes it so you will be shot by them if you have a gun out in the city and no military weps or you will be shot and close off airfield with wire fence and make it heli entrance only
  8. Thanks I have always wanted to see the player base take that exstra step and make a community but only resently I found out private hive owners can turn off zombies spawns in specific cities just figured colonization would take that exstra step and make it possible without owning a server or trying to presuade a server owner even though it would bring many players
  9. CLOSED I am a fairly new player for DayZ I have played about a week. I know basics just not many techniques. I am looking for people to start a group including someone able to teach me in the ways of not being a bambi (Grammer fail away) Looking for 3 people one of which to teach me. Humanity(Bandit, Hero, Survivor Would prefer Hero): Do you have a mic and is your voice mature?: Would you rather have Team speak or Skype or Steam chats: Are you willing to work with me so I may become better:
  10. Team speak server is Type Elite commander force in filter its a private hive Thats what I am playing for now
  11. We will be talking in game through Team speak Lordgoldenrod has provded to us
  12. Ok closing requests we have enough we want a group not a caravan
  13. Both of you would be great
  14. I don't mean any offense but if we do record people aren't very nice towards the squeak X.X
  15. Sounds great though I will probably want to play on a populated server after I go through boot camp how popular is the private hive server?
  16. Meant not squeeky please fill out app
  17. muttasone

    Hero Team!

    Ign (in game name): Rouge Steam name: scotthc Combat Skills: Hoping to learn better skills Do you have a mic: Yes
  18. muttasone

    [TAC] The Argent Crusade!

    I would like to join