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Sev (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sev (DayZ)

  1. Sev (DayZ)

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    At the Cherno apartments yesterday or the day before I saw someone crawling into the shorter building adjacent to the hospital. Without hesitation, I shot them with my Lee Enfield. I didn't even think. After looking at their body more closely from my vantage point, it appears they were entirely unarmed. Not even a hatchet. I heard shots and just sat in my building for a bit, then left without even looting. Feels bad. Today I was walking by the same building and I got aggro'd by a zed. As I hear the thing growl and hiss at me the sound of a soda can being opened filled my ears. I popped the zed, and sat by the entrance to the building. A new-looking guy with a crowbar on his back stepped out of the entrance and turned right, heading North. Sitting in the bush to the left, I placed a bullet between his shoulder blades and he dropped, although he was not quite dead. A nearby zed heard the shot (It's the damn Enfield, of course they did.) and quickly ran over and started munching on my victim. I watched, and soon heard a shrill cry of pain as he spent his last moments being eaten alive. Then, he died. I shot the zed eating his now-dead body, and checked him for loot. Turns out he had a revolver so he could have hurt me, but I still felt a little bad. I switched out my 9/10 Enfield clip for a fresh one from his pack. It's a bad feeling when you kill someone and only take from them a single bullet to replace the one that ended their life.
  2. Sev (DayZ)

    I thought I was a nice person...

    I really enjoyed that. It's actually really dark when you think about it. After a minute or so into the first murder, you just realize "Holy shit, I just killed someone." I was laughing my ass off at "Man I just killed your friend so now I have to kill you too. I'm sorry. I'm just really hungry."
  3. Date/Time: 5/28/12 12:35pm EST What happened: While hiding in Cherno apartments, I was able to look down through the floor texture to see the entrance and staircase. Where you were: Cherno apartments What you were doing: Hiding *Current installed version: 1.6.1 *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 23 *Your system specs: Intel i7 1.60GHz (8CPUs) 6144MB RAM ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 *Timeline of events before/after Error: 12:20: Hear gunshots while near Cherno's north hospital 12:21: Duck into the nearest building (short apartment building adjacent to the hospital) 12:22: Reach the top floor and hide. 12:25: Move the mouse around, and when I move it down, I can see through the floor to watch the staircase from absolute safety 12:28: Assume I'm safe from any bandits, and move to a taller apartment to repeat. I was able to do it in the larger buildings as well, in any spot. 12:30: file report.
  4. Sev (DayZ)

    Do I LOOK like I'm having a good day?

    I almost skimmed over this thread. I've read so many "how I would fix bandits" threads that I just about audibly sigh every time I see one. This is smart. This is actually a fantastic idea, and fixes two problems: Firstly, it lets us identify "Hardcore" players (CoD kids) in a way that they chose themselves. Secondly, it fixes the problem of having everyone look the same with a ton of different clothing options. I really think a detailed (realistic) character generator with lots of clothing choices to frame this idea would add a lot to this game, along with skins to loot that add benefits such as camouflage. Good idea. Keep posting things please.
  5. Sev (DayZ)

    How to improve realism!

    Love it. I have a few suggestions of my own: Splinters: With the inclusion of firewood, players are handling raw wood often and in real life, this would cause you to get a painful splinter in your hand pretty often. I feel that this would be a fantastic addition to the game. While you have a splinter, your grip becomes shaky until it is removed (to simulate the terrible, searing pain of a splinter being pressed on by the gun in your hands). The only way to remove the splinter would be with the magnifying glass (found in general stores) and tweezers (found in houses). Tooth decay: After drinking all that soda and all those beans, tooth decay would set in pretty quickly. I think we should add a requirement to brush your teeth once a day to fight off tooth decay. Toothbrushes and toothpaste (5 uses) would each spawn separately as rare items in houses (Ukrainians are notorious for terrible dental hygiene).
  6. Sev (DayZ)

    This game needs a suicide key

    What this game REALLY needs is an "Are you sure?" prompt for it's current "suicide key." I accidentally killed myself with a compass, matches, knife, map, ALICE pack, Enfield and M1911 each with 6-8 clips/magazines and other miscellaneous supplies such as blood bags and painkillers. I know I should be more careful about the options, but still.
  7. Sev (DayZ)

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    Just because there isn't an endgame, doesn't mean you should just go around killing other players for little to no reason. If that's just your playstyle fine, but there are other things to do with all that awesome equipment. Why don't you do the opposite and protect friendlies? You still get to kill people, but there's actual risk involved, making it exciting. Good job dude. I have trouble going 4 hours.
  8. It's called a moon clip. Ah okay, thanks. Would it be incorrect to say "Do you have any clips for my revolver?" in game just to save time?
  9. I actually appreciate this. I was unaware of the bullet/round deal. The only question I have is what do I call the revovler speedloader things? Are they clips because they're a group of round being held together outside of a magazine? Or are they just speedloaders?
  10. Sev (DayZ)

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    I didn't get the chance to play 1.6, but 1.6.1 dropped my fps by about 15-20. I usually sit around 25-35, and I'm sitting at around 8-12. Good luck with finding the issue rocket, I appreciate the quick responses to stuff like this.
  11. Sev (DayZ)

    What happened to removing skins?

    What happened to being patient? Like waiting for rocket to finish. What happened? ?
  12. Sev (DayZ)

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Is there a reason why we can't switch back? Because your character reflects YOU. This isn't fucking WoW I mean this with my whole heart: Please never change Rocket. You're the only dev I've seen in years with enough spine to say "Fuck you, I'm making this game how it should be, not how you want it."
  13. Sev (DayZ)

    A Public Apology

    No offense, but I'm almost certain that this post would be "Capped some chump for his NVG's" if you actually got to loot him and didn't die.
  14. For the last week or so, if I go somewhere after playing Day Z, I try to zoom in on things I want to see. My girlfriend and I were outside this giant convention center in Orlando for a Magic: The Gathering event, and I stared blankly at a sign, trying to decipher it from far away and probably looked like an idiot when I realized I couldn't hold down M2 in real life.