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Alto (DayZ)

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About Alto (DayZ)

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  1. Alto (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Not to troll you, dude. But I disagree. Have you ever been in the middle of nowhere when its dark with no light pollution, no street lights or moon, surrounded by trees? Not seeing your hand in front of your face is quite realistic. Dark nights are daaaaaark. I cut my teeth, playing 24-48hr stints on this mod, about a month ago when the moon was 'new'. Yes, it took me and a friend 6 hours to get up north navigating via the stars (and getting lost a lot). Yes, getting loot was a super tense experience. But the atmosphere was electric, you have to consider every move vary carefully and take it slow. I for one am impressed by the Luna cycle in this mod/game. IMO the night time needs no change at all. Just wait till the moon is full again you'll feel happier then. Stay safe, it's a cold world out there. I'll see you in the morning...
  2. Like the title suggests, I'm getting a bit miffed at logging on to server that is saying it is GMT+1, or UTC -9, or whatever and finding the time is not what has been said on the proverbial tin. Please server admin people can you make sure you're running the times you say you are. Seems to be an Arctic summer thing going on a lot.
  3. Alto (DayZ)

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Praise be for your speedyism... Waiting is always better with music:D
  4. Alto (DayZ)

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    But seriously, my tuppence worth: A person will not work towards a thing that is good unless they have liking towards it and know betraying it is wrong or a bad thing to do. In RL we all have a liking towards good health, say. In the game we all have liking towards surviving as long as possible. In the game we find consequences to our actions; meeting players in 'populated' areas is ruled by a categorical imperative towards your own survival. You don't want to wake up Zed and therefore regard making a loud noise a bad thing. The karma (shall we call it) is built in. I've both been saved by a bandit and killed by them over my first few days playing this game. I still have my humanity. I havn't had to kill. But have been a victim. Personally, I've learnt only to venture into the city at night only, its safer that way. I like the night and I have learnt not to trust anyone I don't personally know and, yes due to this have developed a 'do whatever it takes' mentality as the consequence are potentially always good. It actually increase the stress level of the game. Which is also good, that is why I am playing. As for a dislikeable consequence for killing, how about spawning zombies in the immediate area? This could be implemented on a scale with a persons humanity? (Should you really feel it needs reimplementing) The higher the inhumanity the higher the Zed count. Or maybe on a time scale to killings, if it is really felt that shoot-em-up players are ruining the game. The shoot-em-up players aren't really playing the game. They are not getting the hit of the whole fruit.
  5. Alto (DayZ)

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    "actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea" Trans: "The act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhfKlw32KB0 Everything is better with music.
  6. Alto (DayZ)

    I want to ride my Bi-cy-cle...

    All the working cars went up even further north. Zed no like the Arctic, Max taught us that in 'World War Z'. But to further the thought on bikes: >Find a bicycle chain, wheels and other related items for fixing. >Cycling would influence hunger and thirst. >The cyclist would be susceptible to the rain. >Hitting a solid object at speed causes falling off. As does being attacked by our groany friends or being hit by a bullet. >Falling off at speed causes bleeding and/or broken leg, unconsciousness. >No lights. Well maybe chem-light. (for all the good that it would do you) >no/minimum stowage. I'm thinking about this far too much now. Cant play tonight, I must sleep! And my crew have gone on without me... It will be ok I know cherno like the back of my hand after doing arma 2 on expert on my fist go and not realising you had a gps.. And anyway, what's the worst that can happen... alone. In the dark. In the middle of nowhere...
  7. Hello everybody, So I was thinking today about things I would like to see in this absolutely marvellous, marvellous mod and one thing stood out in my sleep deprived little mind (I havn't had a game make me pull a 24hr straight stint in years, yet alone over 24hrs! But you did it Rocket, man. Late for work and everyone thought I'd been taking drugs whilst I tried to explain that I had just been trying to survive through the night!). Anyway, as the title suggests what about a few drops of bikes? ARMA2 has mountain bikes in it, lets use them! Nice and quiet but the vulnerably to an attack would be a nice risk/reward, would it not? What do people think? TLDR: I want a bike. To [fix and] ride it if I like.