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Everything posted by AcTwo38

  1. AcTwo38

    What's with these private hyves?

    Private hives are a good idea. A clan member got me interested in the game and then one more member got the game. Us three are fairly decent with game things and figuring them out. Day three into the game and finally starting to understand the game I was alive for most of the day until I ran into a cheater. A sniper runs into my friend and I, throws down a crate and tells us to pick what we want. I look in the crate and see anything I could ever want. I exit the crate and tell him no thanks. Then my friend and I instantly die. That sucked... I knew if the other members of my clan got this game only to have the experience ruined by a cheat in the first couple of days it would never take off in our clan. I rented a server with a private hive so I could password protect it. That way our members that take a while to learn a game can do it without the cheaters ruining all the fun for us. When they learn we'll take the password off and open it up, but with our finger ready and waiting on the ban button. This is an awesome game that has taken me away from BF3 for almost a week now and caused Six in our clan to purchase ARMA2 and get this mod. More will follow, but only if we can admin against cheaters.