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Posts posted by Jemoeder

  1. Go to www.youtube.com/sacriel and safe everybody who is playing there there CD Key's

    Then tell him before they want to play they have to actviate there own CD Key ,

    if they do this on somebody else's cd key then ban them from the cafe

    Look for the How to have multiple dayz account stuff

    in order to change cdkey you have to run steam in admin mode and then launch combined ops first

  2. I had WAR vs NL 4 [soH]

    we camped there base with 2 mik48's and 2 as50's Have screenies also

    Killed 5 of them in 1 minivan we send a guy acting like a noob on there ts and we actedl ike he came at there camop by accident

    grid 977 020.............................................

    they came back and we raped them , after we did SERVER RESTART....

    Blowed up there vechs and took a UAZ and V3S to our camp and then blew them also :)

    Server hopped the goodies ^.^

    In the end we raped people putting stuff outside the map borders

    Once i was playing with them enjoying and after i helped them repair couple of HUEY's they shot me in the head
