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Everything posted by Jemoeder

  1. Jemoeder

    Happy Dayz

    Thats it ?
  2. Jemoeder

    Pending Update: Build

    W000t! Chopperzzzz
  3. Jemoeder

    Why dont we just take a city?

    Yes the idea is great but i would prefer NPC's guarding the city and when ever you shoot somebody in that city you get shot by every guard in eye / hearing range and you just die in 1 shot because they have OP guns , Guards wear anti headshot helm etc etc
  4. Jemoeder

    Would NVG removal be a good thing?

    Cuz u cant obtain them doessnt mean they should be removed
  5. Maybe somebody found there camp? Read the topic you will understand
  6. S you hate him cuz he alt + f4 but you are taking advantage of an exploit also to kill him , Sounds fair :)
  7. I believe this may help , members saying : SoH has a UH-1Y , Bravo two zero saying We just teleported .... Seems Fishy. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/23389-nl-4-hosted-by-soh-admin-abuse/page__hl__jemoeder__st__20
  8. Creative hacker xD
  9. Next time put a satchel charge and wait :)
  10. Jemoeder

    Kamikaze Gone Wrong! Funny!

    a haha xD btw how to get the suite with the lm on? I saw it in youre last vid firefight one I think
  11. Jemoeder

    Kamikaze Gone Wrong! Funny!

    Could you try to get a Bandit Montage? like killing people instead of single fire fight scenes ? ;p just 1 big vid ^.^ or else imma try FRAG GRENADE BITCHESSSS P.S. Move you're camp its kinda exposed when you shot the mini van :P
  12. Jemoeder

    Looking for a mountain :-)

    OH yes this mountain hmm it looks like the other 903123819 mountains in game so i geuss 000 , 000 is a good point to start send someone east and the other one South and win
  13. Jemoeder

    Video - Executing a Noob... Leave comments.

    Damn Mr Wikipedia slow down!
  14. Jemoeder

    Kamikaze Gone Wrong! Funny!

    wHAHAHAHAH Frag grneade BITCHESSS! would be cool if you both died xD
  15. Jemoeder

    Bandit for hire

    I could use a Fellow to cover my back / range finding targets i wanna rape :) pm me info
  16. Jemoeder

    Video - Executing a Noob... Leave comments.

    Thats's not an execution thats some guy failing to fire :) Execution is 1 buillet to the head just so you know.... Get your facts straight but hey! maybe next time
  17. They are legit even DayZ Staff confirmed it they are labeled as PipeBomb Vipeax Dayz Staff member confirming http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31134-satchel-charges/
  18. Jemoeder

    Pending Update: Build

    So if somebody is losing connection's or gets spawn killed a couple of times he got a chance of getting banned / warning....? This wont solve the problem of people Alt+f4 to keep there gear or to let the body dissappear so nobody gets there gear. Cant you try to get a 10 secs timer that the character stays there?.... Think you should focus on things as cheaters and hackers and not such things as Respawn button going away... Now we need to run from kamenka to cherno instead of respawning where ever we want? Kinda bullshit things comming in right now in my eyes and useless stuff who make this game more a walking game instead of Zombie Survival.... since there is no food what to do when you spawn at kamenka and want to run to Cherno? Get killed by zombies? Everytime? and get flagged by databse because you Abort many times? since your dieng due zombies to get to a spawn point as cherno?
  19. Jemoeder

    Very Disapointed

    True , but small things are easier to fix and big things are harder , and they have had the small things by now I think.
  20. Jemoeder

    Revenge! [3:42 long]

    epic song when he falls xD
  21. Jemoeder

    Looking for a Couple of People to Play DayZ!

    people under 16 arent allowed to play Arma 2 ? ..... Just saying!
  22. Jemoeder

    Big camp on 913

    Congratz , 1. you have ruined somebody's fun and hard work 2. You have improved your own gear . 3. YOU HAVE SAVED THE WORLD! oo wait.... Stop this retarded posts