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Everything posted by Jemoeder

  1. Jemoeder

    G36C-SD killed a Haxor for his weapon of choice.

    you can use it but the risc is getting banned by server admins
  2. Jemoeder

    Global Bans for legit players?

    They steal keys ... Server admins check the logs for GUID's and edit them so that they can ignore BE on there OWN server and hacking the shit out of it ...
  3. Jemoeder

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Battle eye may suck my dick... They better get rid of those fuckers , instead of banning the hackers IP + CD Key they just ban THE CDKEY and why? to make fucking money , well you're doing it wrong sir... Get your shit together and protect a game like a decent company , I've got a serial key banned now and there not responding to any of the mails I've ever send also not in the past. Great work keep it up i hope thunder hits your company... HARD
  4. Jemoeder

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Nah BE is pro they have banned over 10,000 hackers OUT OF THE 1 MILL PLAYERS................. in 2 YEARS TIME............. Hope at stand alone there is no BE
  5. Jemoeder

    G36SD camo?

    You guys dont even know how the database works and you explain to this guy.. You can keep the weapon you will not get banned , your weapon may transform into a makarov , Server admins may see you're weapon and ban you FROM THE SERVER. People may study your body and report it to the forums ,
  6. You run very fast the opposite direction and then hide untill he passes by and rape him in the back ?:)
  7. Jemoeder

    Battleeye not updated

    1.168 ?
  8. Jemoeder

    Battleeye not updated

    Wihch version is newest atm ?
  9. Jemoeder

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Relax... I think he game will be MAX! 20$ then were speaking about MAX They wont let you pay alot for a Alpha.. You help them a bit they help you a bit . what you want to pay 60$ like most of the games for dayz? Great that i't's a reduced price
  10. Jemoeder

    Car and tents gone.

    Restart server will fix it
  11. Jemoeder

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Mcalliser dont worr ill pass by :0
  12. Jemoeder

    Pre-Purchase Questions

    if your ping is good and you set yourself to Low settings there should be no problem when you pass it @ the site the site checks the min / max setting requirements not the normal settings
  13. Jemoeder

    Pre-Purchase Questions

    Canyourunit.com <--- Select arma 2 Operation arrowhead & Done
  14. Jemoeder

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    I aprreciate you for telling the locations. I think my Clan should pass by :) Hope you can handle 18 people raiding your shitty camp sir!
  15. Jemoeder

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    There is only 3 LMG's ... M240 - M249 - Mk mod 0 FACTS BRO FACTS And we need 50cal's vs vehicle's
  16. Jemoeder

    Mk 48 Mod 0 for anything

    I have mk 48 m4 holo's m203 , Tell me what you want ill take a look at my items =] Send me your skype / steam we'll talk there
  17. Mountain drew is cursed . Everytime you own or drink it it curses you like with the tractor
  18. Jemoeder

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    Guilty... things liek this are called Patience
  19. Jemoeder

    Directions to Debug Plains

    camps re not possible to be put there The wind will take out the tents so you just want murders probally....
  20. Send the DayZ staff an email ask them gently to reset your position if possible :)
  21. Jemoeder

    Can i buy a new copy of arma

    Hey mate send me your steam or skype and ill help you out so nothing goes wrong :) if you can wait a couple of hours ill be off and i can help you out then :)
  22. Jemoeder

    Can i buy a new copy of arma

    If it still pops baned you need to buy normal arma 2 also , run as admin steam
  23. Jemoeder

    Can i buy a new copy of arma

    Yes make a new stewam account and buy Operation Arrowhead , Launch the game and done