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Everything posted by Jemoeder

  1. Jemoeder

    farewell :(

    If you use a different launcher such as Arma 2 Launcher then u can download a free version from an other NON steam product if im right it's about the .exe nothing else I can help you with that if you like to
  2. Jemoeder

    I just got morphed into a chicken

    Let mr kentucky fried chicken come for you , or stalk people as chicke and talk to them xd
  3. Jemoeder

    Non-lethal weapons/rounds

    there should be something that you are also to Disarm the player when hes on the ground and his weapon will be droppd on the ground then u could always talk to him withouth worrying!
  4. Priceless whahahaha i love this guy
  5. Jemoeder

    Just my Luck!

    Your shooting in 3rd person instead of 1st A chopper near a fuel tank = most likely enemies nearby , fly awway instead of looking and wanking on it or setup an ambush
  6. Jemoeder

    Our first chopper ... Kinda

    First mistake was leaving ur mini van behind , and after u left him he cursed you guys !
  7. Jemoeder

    How to move as a Bandit?

    a car is best , People wont see if ur a bandit or not so they MAYBE wont shoot immediatly and u have much more cover then a bike or ATV , cars are also faster such as the white pickup and have more space to carry :) only + of a bike is u can dodge stuff
  8. mk48 for svd + ghillie
  9. Jemoeder

    Professional Biker [VIDEO]

    Love the way you die xD
  10. Jemoeder

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    fuck you moron , I have had friends and family's with cancer , STFU next time ... QQ moar fucking nerd crying because he lost gear to your mom and cry there dont come on the forums and be a bitch fucking whore
  11. Jemoeder

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Soz I only have seen several qoute's just warning incase its real
  12. Join an empty server where you spawn fast and keep disconecting before u hit the ground , then u can try and land safely or minimise the injury :D thats how i safeed myself
  13. your story sounds weird , And no proof so what was in your mind by posting this ?
  14. Jemoeder

    L85 + AS50 vs L85 + M14

    get used to a L85 and its BEAST , i kill people from 10-20 meter fights with it but also in buildings , it does so much dammage and its great for long range and easy to spot people
  15. Jemoeder

    DayZ without Zombies?

    put 50 man in cherno and chave fun ! :D
  16. Jemoeder

    Is Morphine rare or what v

    when ur hungry food is rare when ur out of ammo , they are rare when ever your thirsty water is rare , and so when u break a leg morphine is rare thats just how dayz works , When you have everything helicopter crashed are all over the world but when u die they are rare
  17. Jemoeder

    [MOON] Clan = Noobs

    Well done soldier! :D
  18. Sooo what your saying is : you had gear (+weapons) and got killed then you respawned on the beach and got killed again and then they are automaticly bandits but when they killl you with gear they are survivors who shot you out of self defence r what?
  19. Jemoeder

    Somebody please explain....

    1. headshot 2. wtf sounds bullshit 3. headshot
  20. Jemoeder

    End Game / Nothing to do

    Go to cherno / elektro and hunt bandits :) lets see how fast you will die.
  21. Jemoeder

    How do hackers have THIS MUCH control

    Arma 2 engine is so open for modifications that's its to easy to code something
  22. Jemoeder

    Can Someone Explain WTF Happened???????

    Obviously a sniper... Why? Car gets dammaged , and AS50 with nato rounds make car go boom rly fast
  23. Jemoeder

    Hackers are pussies too.

    DayZ Staff Ander changed the rule , You will get a dayz ban for using hacked items , just saying.