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Everything posted by Jemoeder

  1. Jemoeder

    Legit or Hack ?

    Oke I understand , Every item in the game you can keep but not items which are not implented ( yet ) :) THanks dropped the sniper
  2. My friends were invisible and they started to go on rampage xD But when ever they log off they lose everything
  3. Jemoeder


    Buy arma & Fixed
  4. Jemoeder

    So long till you fix this crap.

    I already miss him , It has nothing to do with hard or not we are supposed to enjoy a game and by dying its not enjoyable.. To bad we realise that gaming and real world a different thing is and not everybody wants it realistic as you guys want it
  5. Jemoeder

    No items in my inventory. help

    Part of the new patch
  6. I went from walking arround to Sniping in cherno :)
  7. After my NV Batteries run out xD P.S. Nv's are easy to find :p
  8. Jemoeder

    1 million made in the past week

    Before DayZ I didint even know what Arma 2 was lol... I think they should spend like 10-15% into DayZ ATLEAST...
  9. People are invisible , I kill people it says Friendly Fire , <-- GOT SCREENSHOT FOR DEVELOPERS OF PROOF IM NOT IN DEBUG FOREST. People who i kill Respawn at the same place.. Please fix this. -invisible people -people i kill respawn at the same exact position. -... Admin post please
  10. Jemoeder

    The geared players are not screwed.

    Hhaha i love how they hate on SD guy's Im havng no trouble at all either its cool :) I rather just kill them before they even see me , 9 SD Mag,s and 20 in camp ^.^
  11. Annybody else experienced that the GHillie and Camo you wear wearing just dissappeared? I got Survivor clothing now
  12. Jemoeder


    did they remove the camo / Ghillie suite's? I Lost my Ghillie :(
  13. Jemoeder

    Is this intended? Cars vanishing on difficulty change.

    I think because Of the Veteran and Regular have 2 different server data bases I think?
  14. Jemoeder

    Titans assassination

    To late :) Challenge Accepted
  15. Jemoeder

    Titans assassination

    So how can i see if he's streaming at the moment ?:p
  16. Jemoeder

    Possible trade post set up.

    I only join if its not in a church because thats most stupid area to be , 1 or 2 grenades timed thrown inside is GG or camping near the church till people who just traded go out ...
  17. Jemoeder

    Possible trade post set up.

    I'm in as a guard Pm me the info if you need me ^.^
  18. Jemoeder


    How can i take a screenshot in DayZ? Print screen ?
  19. Yesterday I lost tons of shit cuz of debug forest killer , after a day break i decide to try it again and go to airfield , First barrack i walk in I see nothing , so i decide to go to my friends server cuz there is no map on that one I log on and i see a guywith M107 ... I freaked out and ran into the bushes and he Disconnected -__- , After 10 mins of stressing i decided to go check the barraks and i find a Camo suite , M4A1 CCO SD , I go out and i see a body with Coyote backpack and m14 i ran to the open grab the bag and ran back , After i checked the bag there was a MK MOD 0 in it ... Luckiest mowthafucking day ever?
  20. Jemoeder

    2 players on the same computer?

    You can create a new player profile @ Player Profile screen? Then just play on that name? Every player profile has there own Player ID >> own account , Only thing is your brother can play on your account and you can on his but thats between you 2 Right?
  21. Jemoeder

    MISC Helicopter Tragedy

    You were teaming with Vipeax when this happened? Played with him also and this happened like 3 a 4 times , We crashed 2 heli's mid air into eachother , :People crashing heli's into mountains , Flying above 10 meters the ground ... We had 4 heli;s and 4 hours later we had 0 ....
  22. Jemoeder

    What the hell ?

    Hey . Yesterday i was playing and i logged off , When i came back i spawned somewhere else with items missing and having hungry and being thirsty while i had nothing in my Gear / Bag , I logged off with a ghillie suit but came back somewhere in cherno with Civilian Clothing . I walked looking for food then i was upstairs in a building and randomly fell on the ground at it said : You Are Dead.... What did just happen? and if its some cheater will DayZ admins able to Restore me ? because i had NV , M4A1 CCO SD and some more awesome shit :P Its kinda boring for me now to continue as I know something like this can Repeat itself :S
  23. Jemoeder

    What the hell ?

    before the edit wassnt meant to you ;)
  24. Jemoeder

    What the hell ?

    Thanks Theman