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Everything posted by Jemoeder

  1. Jemoeder

    Saving Cars and Tents etc

    we had same problem lost 9 Night vision goggles =/
  2. Jemoeder

    DMR ?

    I have the gun i mean the zeroing thing xD I was to lazy to write what i mean I mean Standaart is 300 Zeroing is Every dot a 100 + ?
  3. 3rd persone gone = 80% of players gone I think , Nobody wants to puke every 10 mins while palyin a game or when your laying in the grass to see only grass >_>
  4. Jemoeder

    Guille Suit and the Backpack

    you wear the ghillie suite over the bag problem solved xD
  5. Well Thats if you buy it lawl....
  6. Get back in the map with your tents , or are you affraid of losing pixels?
  7. Jemoeder

    Just starved to death in Cherno

    Bean bandits they knew what they were doing!
  8. Jemoeder

    100+ Player servers?

    Zombies are local? so when you get out of the town and if theres nobody else they will dissappear?
  9. Jemoeder

    100+ Player servers?

    I was in a server with 90/100 :p So many people so less bullets
  10. Spawned and ready to kill people , I'm at the NW Airfield just walking arround trying to look for a crashed heli , I decide I get on control tower roof . When i hit the roof I can see 3 Crashed heli sites almost next to eachother. I decide to zoom with my rangefinder to see what for loot it has, I realise there is a m249 SAW and a sniper I decide to walk to it , As soon as im near I hear bullets penetrating the heli ! Fuck! Somebody is firing on me! I seek cover and grab the things I need and run into the forest , Multiple zombies chasing me i headshot them 1 by 1 with my M9SD , After that i decide lets go to the firestation and look from higher grounds. In the fire station nothing important so I decide to move. After camping on the roof I see 5 Survivors at the hangar just waiting there, I grab my M107 and look at them they cant see me , It looks like there waiting for something so I hold fire. 5-10 minutes later 3 people with Ghillie suits enter the airfield , I hit the ground and start watching them what they are doing, The Ghillie's join the Survivors , So far it was 8 Vs 1 and there might be more , I'm thinking CAN I THROW A GRENADE THERE. A voice is telling me DONT! YOU wont kill them all just DONT! I equip the grenade looking for a perfect angle and then! I hear voices. Wait Im looting the Firestation.... I Froze! i saw 2 survivors at the fire station if they looked to the right they would see me , I grab my M249 SAW And aim on them and slowly rolling to cover. They go up , Phew! they didint see me , As i continue watching the group they just dont move. I had 1 M107 Mag i knew it would never be enough for them I decided to wait and hope they would split up First time i was using a m249 Saw so i didint know what the recoil was so I didint use it . After a couple of minutes more I see 2 Army trucks comming on to the airfield , I finally realise whats going on... There all trying to get in and I decide If I dont shoot then It's to late , I aim on the wheel's and by some luck the Vechile cant drive annymore its going like 2 'Mph and they all get it i quikly hide to cover and watch them , They coudnt find me and they started looking for Tires I think , After they split up I shot the other truck also and Decided to go Rambo , Grabbed the m249 SAW and Sprayed the shit outta the vechile's ! They Spot me but I'm 100% Sure I had hit atleast 5 of them while i was spraying. They came up to me I kep in cover watching a ladder and a window , They are throwing Grenades and stuff upstairs. A guy decides to climb up the roof and i POP a M249 SAW Bullet into his Forehead and he falls , +1 Murder I felt so affraid they would kill me , I kept on resisting and realised they are not here annymore ATLEAST What I though. I used a 3rd person vieuw to look downstairs and i see 3 of them down the ladder SLOWLY climbing up not making noices, I look at the control tower I can see 2 on the roof of it , This was it I'm Screwd I decided to talk via Direct comm, I shout DONT KILL ME IM FRIENDLY I WAS AFFRAID xD They responds COME DOWN ! LOWER YOUR GUN! I decided not to I pretended like i was going to but then I shot the 2 on the control tower by some luck they died instantly I decided to go further higher. I'm not moving not making sounds , I see people glitching from inside Firestation to the outside , looking for me I was laughing my ass off and decided not to kill them unless they come up , I was sure there would be a sniper covering them , They had in meanwhile found a wheel , They fixed the car and took off , I was there at the roof waiting for the next prey or next group to show up , I killed total of 4 person's that raid , Total loot I had from it 2 pair of NVG's 2 pair of Rangefinder's a DMR M4A1 CCO Took the NVG's and Rangefinder's and headed by to home , Wildest adventure in DayZ so far P.S. Dont mind my grammar plz :)
  11. Jemoeder

    Alt + F4 exploit

    I think that issue is due to you not having a soul. Try getting one and seeing if that fixes it. Lol? I never D/C in a fight lol I use alt f4 to close my game but I realise i cant
  12. Jemoeder

    Binding a player to one server?

    "but come on…this is alpha and it’s going to get wiped anyway." Why care about server hoppers? its just a alpha its getting wiped anyway?
  13. Jemoeder

    Alt + F4 exploit

    I cant Alt + F4 i get a message about Command Backspace bla bla xD
  14. Jemoeder

    NVG's an GPS

    Hackers made it even more rare Especialy when you kill them and they respawn same posotion do that for 20 times and you got 20 NVG's lol xD
  15. Jemoeder

    Body Despawn Time

    most of my bodies dissappear in 5 mins but bodies of enemy players i have seen for 2-3 hours O_o I would say not kill yourself airfield is a spot where people come you will 99% looted Wait for a friend or send ur steam anme via pm i can try to help if you like to
  16. This game is turning into a non social game. There is no actually no chance where you can just chill and chat with players or make friends, Only when is Direct communication but hey? Would you take the risk to catch up with someone Type Hey , You friendly? and then hope he will not shoot you and not disconnect after you said that? Would be awesome if the side chat comes back because this way we can make friends build community's , ask for help like when you're low on blood and makes the game more interesting with bandits trying to lure people. Who agrees? Only valid reason's please and notsuch things like : YOur TEARS FEED ME , or CAREBear ETC ETC . What's your thoughs?
  17. Jemoeder

    Non Social Game?

    @ Nacrom , True but you cant enjoy playing a game on ur own for a long time , @ Cormac , That's what stupid people do thats not our fault that they are stupid and head there.... I dont think that should be a valid reason : I think its part of the game , In a zombie apoc there is also betray and lies
  18. Jemoeder

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    BRing Side chat back please but also a option with "Hide" Chat :) So peopel can communicate and people can not cry :D
  19. Kill a guy on airfield and then tell him you left his NV , rangefinder and M107 + M249 SAW , And when he's back he realise you Hide his body ( trollFACE)
  20. What's so hard of deleteing every tent outside the map and putting a big ass huge wall at the border? like an ivisible wall ?
  21. Why cant you do it The tents who are saved within 24 hours will not be removed?
  22. Jemoeder

    L85 A2 AWS

    screenshot it to be sure , there might be a hacked version of it mate.
  23. Why is there no loot at the heli ? :( cant look in gear either
  24. Jemoeder

    Legit or Hack ?

    http://tinypic.com/r/14spci/6 Hack or legit ? And if I use it what are the penalties? P.S. Could an admin give answer to please? The Weapon btw xD