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Everything posted by Jemoeder

  1. Out the map lawl xD
  2. Some friends of me decided to camp a place OUTSIDE THE MAP where there were vechile's , After a while we saw some hippi fan returned as it seemed like it was SoH we killed them and geuss what? SESSION LOST. Screen 1 : we killing them http://www.imagebam.com/image/d9fda1199919027 Screen 2 : There buss Boomed By us http://www.imagebam.com/image/5906d2199918923 Screen 3 : NL 4 http://www.imagebam.com/image/6216bc199918957 Screen 4 : Saying we cheat , Trying to get us banned http://www.imagebam.com/image/0bc5f4199918995 Screen 5 : Server down after they died to remove body's http://www.imagebam.com/image/9e85c7199919036 Screen 6 : Session lost in hopes there vech's get back. http://www.imagebam.com/image/9edf3f199919021 Screen 7 : Picture of us <-- killed them LEGIT way http://www.imagebam.com/image/a07270199918988 Screen 8 : Driving Away and getting Session lost -- Screen 6 -- http://www.imagebam.com/image/90e6a1199918946
  3. Jemoeder

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Yeah you guys are experienced Admin abusers so I wont shock if things like that happened
  4. Jemoeder


    I think you mean M40A3 its a Sniper rifle which uses M24 Bullets , It's hacked yeah Keep it you are allowed to use it , You will be banned when you have weapons that are not in the games WHEN you get them many times , You wil get Flagged then by the system but if you find 1-2 weapons in a long period everytime then no worries
  5. Jemoeder

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    We Werent able to loot your corpses due a server restart exactly after you guys died... You guys already admitted that you have abused the Admin rights Turtle confessed it. So I dont get the part your defending your friends since one of the admin's just said he abused it
  6. Jemoeder

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Chris I dont get why your posting You werent there and you arent an admin so far as I know you arent part of annything that happened here. It's just funny that 3 mins after you guys died there comes a "automatic restart" Well DayZ Staff team can check if it was a Auto restart or not :)
  7. Jemoeder

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Still You guys arent really defending yourselves , Only insulting me and other stuff... @ chris Germans? Lawl Thats even more bullshit then annything else , Half of the story? Tell me full story please :)
  8. Jemoeder

    Killed someone who had AS-50 TWS

    Keep it if you want , You cant get banned for a single weapon only if you find couple of weapons in a short ammount of time ,
  9. Jemoeder

    Video: How is he still alive!!!?

    That's Called : The Matrix
  10. Jemoeder

    To DayZ Staff

    Hey DayZ Staff , I hope you get to this topic. I think it's time you guys start accepting Donation's so you can improve the mod and buy anti DDOS Software and get better protection for the mod. These noob DDOS'ers are just a little of the problem which will come in the future. by accepting Donations new things can be made maybe better servers , anti hack software anti ddos software etc etc. We understand you dont want to make money with DayZ but atleast you can then have money and the oppurtunity to improve DayZ. P.S. This mod is great alot of us dont want to see it go to a waste by some stupid kid's with 30 dollar DDOS programs :S Also Keep replying so the Staff team can see this topic :)
  11. Jemoeder

    To DayZ Staff

    Yes :) so basicly they wont earn money just a great mod
  12. Jemoeder

    EBR Guys

    Hey guys pinned down in Firestation like a baws , Comming with a car for a escort and D/c all the day long to evade death , M107 to the Face , Next time you close your fire station doors , Dont forget the back one ^.^ Thanks for the MK mod 0 , 2x Rangefinder 2x NVG to bad coudnt loot the last survivor stuck in the wall :) <3 Story : We login and see a server loaded with EBR Naabs , After that we decide to check it out and we see movement in fire station my friend backing me up with a Sniper and me closing in with a FN Fal and M4A1 CCO SD , After we kill one who tries to get to the car ( EBR Weel or something ) we dies BAM all of them panic closing doors , a guy is on the first level of firestation ( Stupid mistake ) BAM! shot to the head , At last there is one guy left [EBR]Yiginima or something , He panics cant stand still and opens back door and BAM fn FAL to the face Thanks guys , I think i will write down your server and came back in a bit :)
  13. You must have so much to do in your life to DDOS DayZ , Damn! Everbody is proud mr GreenArrow the invisible one. Instead of DDOS' ing DayZ Start DDOS'ing Sony or Microsoft when you do that we will Clap for you
  14. Jemoeder

    DMR ?

    How does the DMR aiming work ?
  15. Jemoeder

    Server UK #99

    3 Snipers 3 Shots :)
  16. Jemoeder

    Carbonated Trading

    Ill give you nvgs , as50 , mk mod 0 for range finders ? :)