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About Jemoeder

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  1. Hey I'm from Netherlands and im looking for Experienced tactical players to play with . So people who have had camps + bases and such who have tactical gameplay etc etc send me message or message here with info of skype / teamspeak and ill hop in
  2. Jemoeder

    Battle Eye bans help ?!

    AKA Run new steam as admin & Done lol.... and if not ur raped more cd key stealers ;D what u downloaded? Arma 2 *** on youtube?
  3. One does not simply evade bullets from 4-6 persons firing at you and then managing to kill 4-6 guys... your story sounds BS you aint playing Rambo and I think M4D Clan was right since 1 b ullet to the knee is enough to faceplant you
  4. (`-`)(._. )( ._.)( ' -') Just lookin for a fuck to give.. Stop making those retarded topics please , Mwahaha i just made one [user warned. -Max]
  5. Jemoeder

    AS50 or DMR for single weapon loadout?

    Dafuq this makes no sense go for DMR AS50 5 round mags dmr 20 rounds edmr is semi auto as50 not. ubnless ur going kill for 1000 meter then go as50
  6. Jemoeder

    No kill zones wtf?

    link the post :) then we will show some NO killing in churches fun
  7. Jemoeder

    Perfect stealth

    Only you camp in a pool somewhwere random...
  8. Jemoeder


    Or people play more carefully? Since now its known where snipers are and what to do vs them ..
  9. Jemoeder

    Some kind of hack?

    you were loading in , in the server you died but not in the hive , Means Server registers all ur gear lost but the Hive does not register you dieng so you keep ur skin but not ur gear i think
  10. Jemoeder

    Fox Does Not Have Anger Issues...Must See

    Whahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah raped by m4 cco sd
  11. u got killed while in Setup completed GG no gear for you
  12. The cool thing is you think as a survivor... Do you think a group of bandits are going into a firefight with a group of survivors? as a bandit you wait for the right moment you hide and wait , thats it nothing more nothing less. I have attacked freeside trading several times with my fellow bandits , M4 holo + smoke grenade aand they are completely shitting there pants and shutting down the server immediatly and saying "hackers" So these piece of shit people aint gonna take annything so far
  13. Jemoeder

    Going Lone Wolf for now on.

    I care about my time of loading xD
  14. Jemoeder

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    Dont break his balls , let the kid enjoy and think he downed a chopper , Fun thing is i need like 5-10 AS50 shots i think to down a chopper and this kid does it with a LEE ENFIELD! DAMN
  15. Jemoeder

    Going Lone Wolf for now on.

    Rule 1# dont get attached to your gear Rule 2# Shoot on sight Rule 3# What goes arround comes arround so they might got killed already