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Everything posted by hollis53

  1. hollis53

    Past DayZ-This is my story.

    Amazing writing here. I'm gonna follow this.
  2. So, I recently fresh spawned into this Namalsk server I'm a fan of, and landed in the wilderness. Literally in the middle of BFE. I ran down the coast, and lo and behold, found a wrecked C130! Well I forgot to mention that at this point, I'm being chased by multiple bloodsuckers, complimented by a cadre of Zeds. I get into the C130 and find 2 PKMs, 2 mags for them, a Broken GPS, and Camo Clothing!!! Lucky day right? No. I managed to cap 1 bloodsucker, but one is outside, and I've been hit a few times. So, wat do?
  3. hollis53

    Cornered by Bloodsuckers, wat do?

    They aren't faster, but maybe just as fast. I'm fresh, so no smoke or frags/satchels. :/ And I wasn't being cheap I have to go to a Christmas party soon. :P Hahaha.
  4. hollis53

    Guy in the back...

    I'm the same Shadow. I'll just roam around, I'll slip into a city and out without anyone knowing otherwise. If I feel the least bit threatened, you're in for a fight. Any bambis, or genuinely friendly people I'll help out, with blood, food, ammo, or even a ride if I happen to be capable. However I do make a point of capping bandits on sight. I hate a damn bandit.
  5. I'm on the "Namalsk by DayzPlanet.com" hive Z_StaTik_z. I'm wearing a ghillie I found crawling around my building, so my appearance is different from what I described.
  6. Anyone still willing to help a brother out? I'm still stranded in Vorkuta...
  7. Any 'Namalsk by DayzPlanet.com server' Strazyplus.
  8. I guess there aren't any Namalsk medics yet. Are there?
  9. hollis53

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    I'll definitely hop in sometime, Namalsk is great.
  10. A: Hollis B: Broken leg, low on blood. C: In Vorkuta (Dayz Namalsk) on of the outskirtish buildings (not "Vorkuta Outskirts"), bottom floor. 015,068 D: Survivor skin, M1911, DMR on back, Czech Pack Steam ID: holliswuzhere (Sorry, forgot to add)
  11. So, I've got my hands on a camping tent and I've decided to set up somewhere. I don't really have a specific location in mind too. This is my first time, so any tips, suggestions, etc. please! Thanks!
  12. hollis53

    First time setting up camp.

    Thanks for the info guys, this'll help out alot. I really appreciate it! :D
  13. hollis53

    First time setting up camp.

    Thanks Trizzo, lots of good suggestions. I'll definitely be using your advice, I just wish I had more beans to give you. ahaha.
  14. hollis53

    Your favorite weapon?

    For those of you that like the Dinner Bell, you must like to take long range shots, that thing is LOUD. Haha.
  15. Ok, sorry, I know that feel. Haha. By the way this service is awesome, thanks for being one of the good guys. :D
  16. Hey IceCaps, you taking pickup requests?
  17. I'm looking for a medic, just to do a transfusion for me. I have the blood bags you'll need, so you won't be wasting gear to help me out. I'll reward you for your time. I'm in Cherno, I can meet you at a specific location in, or around Cherno, within reason. My vision is fading so its gonna be hard for me to get around, I'd really like it if you wouldn't mind meeting me, in which case I'll give you a spot. Thanks in advance! :)
  18. hollis53

    Your favorite weapon?

    Definitely the L85A2 AWS. Ammo is easy to find if you're willing to stick your neck out a bit for it, and its fits my play-style well (I'm nocturnal if I can help it.). However, the AK74S-Kobra is a close second, I like it alot for its good balance of stats imo.
  19. hollis53

    Introduce yourselves

    Hola, hollis53 here. (Hollis in-game) Loving this mod, its restored my faith and interest in video games, and for that, thank you Dayz staff. On another note, I'll work with anyone willing to work with me. I'm usually on US 2805 or US 2816. Come hit me up, I'm the guy in the ghillie suit. Hahaha.