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About Cecala

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  1. I have the and the latest beta 94209. When I speak over direct chat other players cannot hear me. When I type in direct chat they can read it. This is not a problem with my mic because when I speak in group, vehicle, or side chat (if enabled) people can hear me. This may be have something to do with when I speak in group, side, or vehicle chat my name appears in chat to designate that I am talking. However, when I am talking in direct, my name does not appear. (The microphone icon appears no matter what). I was curious if anyone else had this problem or if someone knew how to fix it. Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. Cecala

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I vote #2. Best design.
  3. It is also unrealistic that you can play again once you die. The better loot is in the north, as is the wilderness. It takes time to get there. If you can only enjoy the game on the coast where loot and players are in abundance and need to be "enjoying your playstyle" right when you spawn then this may not be the game for you. It takes maybe 5 minutes of running to get away from the coast. It is actually so easy. You are acting as if you need to run for days to escape the spawn points of the murderous COD players who hunt you with their every life. This ^^^^ I agree with pack wolf 100%
  4. Your "grouping" based on opinion of play style is definitely judging players for their actions. You kill this person, so now you spawn here (aka farther away from the new player areas). As everyone is saying in this thread, if you have the time to complain about the same person respawning and trying to kill you, your time would be better spent moving away from the coast.
  5. As said in my previous post on this thread, why is "Player 2" still anywhere near the coast? And this game isn't anything like COD, even when people decide to shoot everything that moves. Please stop making these statements.
  6. I think a large problem with what you're saying Judge is that why would a 10-hour character with a full kit be messing around on the coast where new players spawn? The advice for everyone is "coast is a death trap, go north ASAP," so I don't really think the problem is all the geared and grouped together survivors are getting killed by bandits who start firing as soon as they spawn. If you get killed on the coast (including Cherno and Elektro) it is your fault for being in the most dangerous and pvp-heavy area of DayZ. Forcing bandits to spawn away from the coast is penalizing players for playing the game within the rules, as stated before in this thread by rocket himself. Rewarding players who group together with others or stay alive for an extended period of time by no nefarious means similarly goes against the principles of letting players decide how to act in this game. This is the game judging (haha your username is Judge) players and treating them differently. Again, this is explicitly against rocket's intentions for this mod. Just as an anecdote, everyone saying "all these new COD players are ruining the game" now sound like a broken record. Everyone who kills a player is not from COD. Did a couple thousand COD players just decide to download ARMA 2 and this mod just to fuck with all the other "mature" and "hardcore" people? I really doubt it. If someone wants to run around shooting everything they see then they will die very quickly; I don't see a problem with that. Some people also like to kill other players for entertainment. It's a fact of this game and it won't be changed.