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Everything posted by Rawsheh

  1. Me and my 2 other friends are tired of having to walk around everywhere, so we want to buy a car. It can be and sort of car as long as it has 4 seats (or more). We have a range of equipment and guns, with ammo, tell me what you need and I'll see if I have it.
  2. Rawsheh

    Looking to buy any sort of vehicle that has 4 seats

    You better get outta this thread right now, ya hear?
  3. Rawsheh

    Hats! EDIT: & Dog Tags

    we dont need no goddamn hats like yee mane hats mane i gotta wear my hat mane like yeeeeeeeeeee
  4. Yo, hit me up on skype: raareerooraa
  5. Rawsheh

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Me and my 6 other clan members all have AS50s and LMGs, not bragging, just saying, if we find you, we will plow you down.
  6. Me and my other 2 friends are looking for new people to play with, we have 2 GMT's and 1 person in GMT-5. Add valkerion990 on skype.