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About brygggan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. brygggan


    Ok thanks:)
  2. brygggan


    Yeah but I tried every channel:P
  3. brygggan


    Haha ok! I don't really care if they know I'm friendly I just wanna know that people hear me for example when they rob me so i can talk back to them.
  4. brygggan


    That's caps lock right? A mic appears?
  5. brygggan


    Hi! how does the communication work? I try to talk in the mic asking if anyone hears me so i know my mic works but no one ever responds. One time i stumbeled upon a guy who threatened to shoot me if i took some equipment on the floor. I tried to talk to him but he didn't respond. I would really appreciate an answer. Thank you!
  6. Ok thanks again for the help :)
  7. Ok! Thank you for answering. so should i not use the debug monitor? Do you use it?
  8. Hi! I've been watching dayz videos on youtube and they all have a brown box of info like how many zombies you've killed, murders, bandits and stuff like that but i don't have a brown box. What's up?! Problem with installation of the game or something? Please tell me if you know the answer. //Simon