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About bucknaked

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I've been playing DayZ for about a month now. I really like the concept and the gameplay in general. Up until the last 2 weeks I didn't have any problems with hackers. Now, its almost a nightly occurance. The first time I saw it was a buddy and me where at a random building east of Balota airfield. We were in cover and watched a truck drive by on the road by the military camp. Shortly after we started taking fire. At the same time we both died. Last night I was watching my same friend being chased by a bandit. I had a sniper rifle and was trying to take the shot. He went behind a building and teleported. We watched a bit and finally decided he wasn't coming back. We walked over to the hospital (we were in Cherno) and met up with a guy (in a girl mod) with an ax. I was in TS and kept telling my friend not to let him get behind us or if he shoots me kill him. He finally got a weapon and I kept watching him, then on the way to the grocery store he disappeared, but typed that he was outside. We didn't think much. A few minutes later I found him in a random corner scoping me with the sniper rifle he found. We decided to huff to it to the vehicle spawns north of town and he disappeared again. I thought maybe he got lost as we were darting in and out of building to evade zombies and he was a little ways behind me. Keep in mind, my friend wanted to kill him early on, but being a nice guy...I mean sucker, I said "No let's just keep an eye on him". Anyway, we were almost to the hospital north or Cherno when it looked like my game was reloading. I saw another landscape loading up and I thought "great the server glitched me to the coast". Nope. It was my first teleport. I appeared on a small island with the same she-male guy and after looking to the side to figure out what was going on, he shot me dead. lol I've gotten so used to getting geared out and then dying by hackers its not a big deal anymore. Its really sad they are so rampant in this game. Its a really good game, but its going downhill fast with these clowns. D