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About hL.XTakenotes

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  1. hL.XTakenotes

    hL Clan Recruiting!

  2. hL.XTakenotes

    hL Clan Recruiting!

  3. hL.XTakenotes

    hL Clan Recruiting!

  4. hL.XTakenotes

    hL Clan Recruiting!

    The hL clan is here and looking for new ACTIVE, semi-experienced members we have our own dayz taviana server as well as our own TS3 server and website If you'd like to join our clan please stop by our website to find the layout @: http://hlclan.com/forums/ Register and click recruitment If you'd like to contact me or my clan we will be on our ts a lot of the time @: chits.vortexservers.com:10001 Regards, xTakenotes
  5. Taviana Private Hive IP: The Hit List - Taviana ([Vet DM=On SC=ON NP=Off 3P=On][400 Vehicles][Public Teamspeak] | DayZ.ST Team Speak 3 IP: chits.vortexservers.com:10001 Website: http://www.hlclan.com/forums/ I'll keep it brief, we are in need of more members on our private hive for taviana ( Dayztaviana.com versions). Groups that establish themselves on our hive, we can hook you up with a passworded teamspeak channel on our server teamspeak. Although it's U.S based international players haven't problems. We have active admins on our hive to help you out with whatever you need (non-exploitative of course). Feel free to drop in our TS for a chat or post something on our forums. We will also be establishing a whitelist once we a get a solid group of people on. Consider getting on our server a headstart to get your gear and set up base before it gets big. If you'd like to contact me please contact me over these forums or on our forums or TS3.
  6. hL.XTakenotes

    DayZ Bug Tracker

  7. hL.XTakenotes

    Two man bandit group looking for more members

    If you are looking for a home server / private hive my clan has opened a new hive IP: we are looking for more people to expand it my steam is xtakenotes or contact me on this forum if your interested
  8. If your looking for a home server for your group my clan has opened a private hive IP : We have a 50 slot server and are looking for more people to fill it my steam is xtakenotes or contact me here on the forums
  9. hL.XTakenotes

    For Those Ever killed by an Axe...

    Please tell me if your in this montage
  10. hL.XTakenotes

    Ax-Murder stories. (+ discussion)

    my newest montage made today hL. clan
  11. hL. Clan makes killer montages.