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Everything posted by ajs113

  1. Been playing this server for a while now, not had any problems, and the stuff the admins recently added in such as care packages and new crash sites make it alot easier for new players to get stuck in as they no longer need to run all to was to stary to get anything better than an akm :) As the server is still very quiet its ideal for any clans that want to get set up on a solid admin'd server, weather they want to pvp, pvz or just do camp raids. Because this server is designed to take dayz back to its roots its good for any new players that want to learn the ways of survival without being killed by hackers every 10 minutes.
  2. looks like a good group you are setting up there, im an experienced survivor not sure what loot i have since my last clan died out. (edit: since found out i have an AKM and M249 SAW on me but with no food/water supplys) im 18, from the UK and will be around in the evening and most weekends. Skype: Ajs113v2.0
  3. Looks like an interesting group you are putting together, i wouldnt mind joining if you'll have me. My old clan broke up and i have been looking for a new one. Im 18 and from UK i have played dayz for... not sure must be around 2-3 months now i think. Having played in a clan before (although only very small 3-4 people) i can drive most vehicals including helos (although i am a little rustly with them). my skype is Ajs113v2.0 (send me a message if it doesnt work some people have had trouble with it) As a student i will mostly be around in the evenings (6-8pm till 12-1am) and most weekends