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About Elwyn

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Thought I would let people know its is the address when connecting on TS, well on mine since it didn't show ip and port as different parts. Password is still the same.
  2. Bumping this up so people hopefully see it more, great server still new so join now for the good loot!
  3. Elwyn

    Teamspeak and Fraps

    Yeah do one spambot!
  4. Does anyone know how I can make my voice picked up louder on Fraps when using it in DayZ while also using Teamspeak? Everyone else voice is clear but my voice is very quiet on Fraps. Cheers
  5. I think Johnny, melv etc you need to write the rules more clear on the first page as you changed the rules on the dayz.st forum about 24hr bans for pointless use of tank traps and barb wire, now I didn't put them in buildings but I will admit I have set up a road block in the greenzone (before this new rule was mentioned in the other forum) which allows people to avoid it if they take care in the GZ if not they crash. In my eyes I don't see the harm in that because stealing is allowed in the GZ and people loot dead bodies when a game bug has killed that person so in my eyes not killing someone in the GZ but pushing them to make a mistake resulting in their death I don't see the problem with, also bit like how you mention creative kills in the OP but this isn't applied so should be removed or watched more in the game as there are a few and I won't mention here but they know who they are who just camp at Stary and places of high value loot and just snipe who ever goes near the tents, not flanking and using direct comms just sniping so far away you don't even hear the bullet.
  6. Server says gmt-2 but it's 3 as between 9-10pm it gets dark however if the moon is out it's not very dark so fine to me plus more goings on in the dark with more risk.
  7. Duff knocked out below the heli