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Everything posted by SquishyBear

  1. I don't see the point in bear traps... they break your legs... not that big of a deal, especially with a vehicle around. You'd need about 20 to really have fun with it, at least.
  2. Only time I ever run into that is on server restarts. It usually starts with a yellow chain, going into red and then no message received.
  3. SquishyBear

    Reporting Hacker

    It's more useful to contact the owner/ admin of the server and let them know about it... if you can.
  4. SquishyBear

    Female DayZ Models...

    Fudge the boobs, I wanna wear ghillie already... and you wouldn't see boobies under that anyway!
  5. It's possible it was a bad server restart. We go through that frequently on our "home server". Vehicles aren't where they are supposed to be, tents disappear, etc. Then on the next restart it's all back to normal. However it could also have been reset to the last or a previous save where you may not have had tents yet. Or, something that our "home server" did just a couple of days ago, is reset to a previous save plus reset all the vehicles to their spawn points. The latter was hacker related.
  6. SquishyBear

    US 3221

    Sounds like a hacker. It's possible the admins banned everyone who was on at the same time as the hacker. It could just be a bug too related to the anti-hax. If you have contact info for the admin of that server, you can try to contact them and appeal your ban. Other than that, not much you can do other than find a different server.
  7. SquishyBear

    Adding Seasons to Chernarus

    Has been suggested before. Search is your friend, my friend. Personally I'd like to see seasons as well.
  8. SquishyBear

    Why am I dead?

    Pretty sure that the different server versions made you spawn back at the coast. There was an issue going from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 where, if you changed from one server version to another server version, you'd start at the coast. Usually with all your stuff but not always. Or it could be private / regular hive as mentioned above. Or it could just be that you haven't played in forever.
  9. SquishyBear

    US 3221

    Your food, water, temp icons won't do anything if you have your debug monitor (the one that shows zombies, name, blood etc.) on. You can only have one or the other at the moment (or nothing at all). Are you sure you got banned, not kicked? I got kicked for some script restriction while cleaning out the stuff the UAZ spawns with last night. But I was able to sign straight back in. That was on a differnet server but it starts with 32 as well.
  10. No. I started playing the Silent Hill series at that age... with my Mom's approval obviously... nevermind the fact that she, to this day, loves playing Tetris... god how I loved being scared and smashing monsters to pieces leaving trails of blood behind. Ha, yeah. I remember playing World of Tanks and one of the new guys in our clan was bitching. "Why should I listen to what some twelve year old little kid has to say?" Chuckles from other members. My husband: "Did you just call my wife a 12 year old?" Silence. More chuckles.
  11. Sounds too much like Skyrim and not enough like DayZ.
  12. Don't have to ignore gun fights, just have to kill everything in sight.... and don't believe random strangers no matter what they say.
  13. SquishyBear

    Am I a coward?

    Is it possible someone finds it before you do and hides it?
  14. SquishyBear

    Am I a coward?

    Ummm, ok... :huh:
  15. SquishyBear

    Why does my character....

    I sort of agree. But I would still think that slinging the rifle over your shoulder and getting your handgun out of the holster (wherever it may be) while jogging/ running can be difficult. I understand this is a game but it is about survival and it is trying to be realistic, or as realistic as possible while still fun. Kind of the same as above. Have you seen the size of real life .50cal rifles? I'd like to see someone try to pick one up while on their belly, nevermind slinging it over their shoulder or something. And in reality if you were to put it into your bag, you wouldn't do that laying down either. It would be possible but painful. Well which is it? Is he crawling over something and getting up or did he stand up "in the middle of the town... for no fucking reason"? Not sure I'd crawl over a wall either to be honest.... I suppose you could explain it by saying you have food and drink on you in some pocket or in your bag... it might be diffcult to get things out of your pocket laying down, and looking through your backpack is always easier crouching... in reality... and my opinion. Though here I mostly ask myself, why would you stop to eat and drink with zombies around? The animation doesn't really take long enough to get torn apart unless you're already half dead... but why would you eat and drink around zombies?
  16. SquishyBear

    Am I a coward?

    Wronged someone? By disconnecting? You worry too much bud, way too much. Been there, died that way. Was I mad? Sure. I then got over the whole thing and started again. Why? Cos there is absolutely no point in grieving about it. Your in game morality may not be my in game morality. We are all different, thank god. I still don't understand though why you had to write down the 6 most recent reasons of you logging out and why you care about what people here think of you. You wanna be a hero in game, be a hero in game and stop worrying about the forum. What are the chances you will ever see anyone of us on the same server you're on anyway?
  17. SquishyBear

    Am I a coward?

    Why do you care so much what a bunch of strangers on an internet forum think of you or the way you play a PC game? Why? Who gives a sh** about why you disconnect in game? Only a bunch of grieving whiners, is who.
  18. SquishyBear

    Are you a bandit if you kill newspawns?

    You'll never get a definite answer. For some it's ok. For others not so much. Personally I don't give a hoot, if I see you, I'll kill you. Guaranteed!
  19. Well what kick reason does it give you? Admin ban? Ping too high? Battleye restriction? And for the love of god, use some punctuation marks. I mean, you found the question mark and period.
  20. Not true, female is used as a noun as well. Just frowned upon when used to describe women/ girls and mainly used when talking about animals or science.
  21. I'm female. In game and real life :D Been playing games ever since my dad bought a NES when I was 8 years old. Went through NES, N64, PS2 and 3. My husband then introduced me to computer games (Red Alert 2 anyone?) several years later. Now I play PC games 99% of the time as opposed to console. I prefer female characters, so if there is an option I will always choose the female. Certainly cannot wait for the ability to use ghillie or camo on my girl! I once chose the male character but it didn't feel right. I have seen other female characters (killed a few actually) but doubt they were actually girls/ women. Heck I've got a male friend who played as the female DayZ character. It was odd. The main reaction I get for being a gamer girl is "Cool!" and then they ask the husband "How did you get your wife to play? I've been trying for weeks, months, years...." How I found out about DayZ? The husband told me about it saying people don't survive much longer than 45minutes on their first attempts. I was intrigued and called BS and tried... I then died within 5 minutes or so. Challenge!!!! I once survived for 50 days...
  22. SquishyBear

    Alright, DayZ forums...

    Create a useless, pointless thread on the DayZ forums asking people to post a bunch of stupid stuff you should do on DayZ! Oh wait....
  23. SquishyBear

    Friendly??? Really????

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...
  24. SquishyBear

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    All the good loot spots are not only in Cherno or Elektro or the other popular spots. My goodness, how boring some of you people are when it comes to surviving. Try deer stands, major military loot can be found there, such as DMRs and M16s, nevermind GPS and maps, ammo, food and drink. Heli crash sites tend to have better guns than Airport, Stary, Elektro and Cherno combined. Then there are all these smaller cities with supermarkets and high value residential buildings (ghillie and tents anyone?). Really sick and tired of hearing the "OMG, there is no good loot nearby so I need to spawn closer to the big popular cities so I don't have to walk for 10 minutes". Please enlighten me why walking as a new spawn is more painful than walking as a seasoned player with gear? You're still walking for a prolonged period of time or at the very least until you find a vehicle anyway. The whole argument is pointless and based on laziness and the flawed logic that somehow walking isn't so bad all geared up. Nonsense, complete and utter nonsense backed up with lame excuses.