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Everything posted by supermg54

  1. I 17 and I live in Toronto, ON and I'm looking to start a group with some fellow player. I've been playing with a buddy of mine for a few months now and we are really looking to expand our group, focus more on vehicles, setting up camps and maybe even some sniping pvp. We are both VERY well geared, I have an AS50 and an M9SD while he has an M24. Anybody close to our time zone is welcome, we don't discriminate whatsoever but it would be really cool if we could get someone with piloting experience because me nor my buddy have any experience in that part of the game. We are currently on the outskirts of Cherno if that makes a difference to anyone. We don't have a specific server that we play on but, if we get enough people we will definitely try to set up camp on a specific server. If any of you are interested at all please leave a skype name or an email through which I could contact you. We want to take as many people as possible so there are no limits! Hopefully at least 1 of you will respond to this! Thanks again!
  2. sent you all skype invites :) would be cool to play with you guys!
  3. supermg54

    Let's go. [East Coast Player]

    id be happy to play with you. I have lots of experience in dayz i am currently VERY well equipped in chernarus and i also live in toronto. I also play with a buddy of mine if you dont mind 2 people tagging along. PM on skype at blabblab555 or at blabblab555@me.com Im 16 btw
  4. supermg54

    Looking for a dayz buddy 13-16

    im 15 but i live in toronto :( would love to play with you though if you want on the weekend im very well geared in cherno
  5. Dayz Name: Daniel the Great How long have you played Dayz: I've been playing four about 3 months now. Time Zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (I live in Toronto). Age: 17 PvP experience: I've recently been playing with "The Outlaws" clan. They are a fairly experienced bandit clan. Have been with them for about 3 weeks and decided to leave just yesterday. Favorite Gun/Combo: In terms of "the perfect" combo for me, it's definitely the L85 with M9SD and AS50 in pack. My personal favourite combo is: M14 with M9SD and DMR in pack. I am currently rolling with an AKM with M9SD and AS50 in pack with about 10 mags for it. Team Experience: As I said, I have recently been rolling with the Outlaws. A little quirk that I like with them is that when you talk with the group, it is a rule that you use professional and military terminology at all times, so I understand all that lingo by know. How familiar with the map are you?: I am extremely familiar with Chernarus, I know all the major areas almost by heart, I also know Lingor very well although I doubt that matters considering your clan name has cherno in it. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings I know how to use both a gps and compass very well.