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Everything posted by OhDan

  1. As we all know this was going to happen during the Alpha period, It doesn't really bother me, and I'm sure most people will agree.. I'd rather you fix the security issues and kill off everything I have then a hacker teleporting and exploiting the server.
  2. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Sounds amazing, I've been playing on and off around work and I love it!
  3. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    why is this? ;)
  4. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Oh hot damn, I've posted ;)
  5. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    What's the thread called?
  6. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Did so a few days back, Name's Stellub, I've been browsing through your blogs and such, hooked haha
  7. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Damn, gutted that you can't get keys any other way, but it's a smart move doing it that way.. I look forward to the public alpha :)
  8. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Nicee, Quick question on the housing system, and I'm sure it's already been asked. Is it going to work similar to Origins or completely different? Forgive me if you've already been asked this and come up with an answer
  9. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    I was literally about to comment to see if I could perhaps have a nosy at some pics, but that looks amazing.. You're putting in a lot of effort into your Mod and that's what a lot of modders lack nowadays, I see a little bit of Rocket in you, and as proven by his popularity, it goes a long way. Keep working hard lads/girls (If you have any helping on the dev team), I can't wait to finally play DayZ again to test out this mod, really pumped now haha :)
  10. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    So at the moment are you making sure bugs are limited and improving performance for the public beta, or are you planning to add even more features before you go public?
  11. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Genuinely really pumped for this mod, lets hope it gets me back into playing the DayZ Mod for abit before the actual SA Alpha, that's a challenge in itself :P
  12. OhDan

    Where are all the devblogs?

    So I'm guessing the devblog that's going to be released next week will be the most in-depth one you've posted so far? If so, I'm looking forward to a good read, I'm really anxious to learn more about this 'Bubble' and how far away you guys are achieving it.
  13. This thread is rather tidy, but from what I gather Google, you make a steals, and I don't respect the steals of people.
  14. Nice to finally get some clearance, being in the dark for the last couple of weeks has crippled me.
  15. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Is there any actual way to get into closed beta testing? One being someone that doesn't have over 100,000 subscribers on youtube :)
  16. Can you see clearly through that bike helmet? :P
  17. OhDan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    This sounds really interesting, maybe a few screenshots and other previews would be nice, but from the feature list it sounds interesting. I especially love the farming/harvesting, that's going to add a lot of variety, if you combine that with a proper loot table then I believe this mod may be very successful, I'd love to try out the beta! :)
  18. I think Rockets calling it 'DayZ: Cholera & SS13'
  19. OhDan

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    If people choose to pay the price (If there is one) to access the Alpha and not contribute to actually making it better, then you may aswell go play something else, Dean has already said that the Alpha isn't going to be catering for people that just want to play for a few shits and giggles.
  20. OhDan

    a SIMPLE guide to getting the most FPS

    The visibility in DayZ is set at a default 1600 I believe
  21. Hopefully this will be implemented, all I see on the DayZMod server list is '500+ Vehicles, Spawn with an AS50 and Unlimated Ammo' srsly, piss off
  22. Remember your first experience playing the DayZ Mod? I do.. Running from the coastline in any general direction hoping to see some kind of village that you can loot basic medical/food/water supplies, your only goal at that point was to survive a ZOMBIE apocalypse, this immersion is what made the DayZ Mod so successful, not the PvP, not the guns, the ZOMBIES. I've recently revisited some old Youtube videos that I used to watch before I actually played the mod, just so I had a genuine idea of what too expect, something to hype it up for me so I could pluck up the courage to spend £20 on Arma II even though I had a shitty build. This video in particular that I came across through Reddit was the first one I ever watched, and it sold it to me. I strongly recommend watching it, even if you're a 'veteran DayZ player' or if you started playing just the other day. This is exactly what DayZ SA should bring and what Rocket and the team should be trying to achieve more than the 'little' add-ons. Do you think the SA will ever feel like this?
  23. OhDan

    Arma 2 co download

    If you're downloading at exactly 2.5mbps then It wouldn't take that long, but I'm guessing you're not and you're being limited, if so.. you could be ranging from 100 kbps to around 250 kbps.. If so, you're looking at around 5-8 hours before your download is actually complete.
  24. OhDan

    Doing The Zumba Games

    This looks like immense fun, definitely wouldn't mind getting in on this! *hint* *hint*
  25. You serious? This certainly must mean Standalone is delayed till atleast 2014, no?