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About TjStreak

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    On the Coast
  1. Won't that attract more hackers and create more bugs? I made my decision. I will wait for WarZ and DayZ standalone. I will get both of them.
  2. Wait a minute. Will the DayZ mod die after Rocket will make a DayZ standalone? Will we still be able to play this one?
  3. Really? Can you post any? I haven't really found anything special except WarZ(which I also plan to get).
  4. I'm only interested in DayZ. Arma is a great war simulator but I'm interested in the zombie apocalypse simulator mod.
  5. Ok I guess I'll wait for DayZ to be standalone because right now it's extremely buggy and it's still Alpha. Thanks guys.
  6. Or will people who already have Arma 2:CO get DayZ standalone for free?